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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Topless beaches get banned in OC after media coverage

National headlines sparked from beach patrol captains memo seeking clarification

Inexplicably, it generated headlines across the country when the Ocean City Council banned women from sunbathing topless on the beach.

The publicity was inexplicable because Ocean City it was way out of proportion to what happened, which was one person challenging the status quo of covering up on the beach.

Eastern Shore resident and topless advocate Chelsea Covington wrote to Worcester County State’s Attorney Beau Oglesby to clarify the laws on female bare-chestedness in public places in Maryland in 2016.

Oglesby wrote to Maryland Attorney General’s office for an opinion, but when summer arrived without a formal opinion issued, Beach Patrol Captain Butch Arbin ordered his staff to document instances while they wait for guidance.

“We will document the complaint on a minor incident form with information and particulars about the situation and the complainant’s information. We will not approach the topless woman, even if requested to do so by the complainant or other beach patrons,” he wrote.

The situation, apparently, was that a ban on bare breasts on the beach was not specifically supported by the law.



  1. Anericans are such prudes. This goes on in europe beaches all day. Hairy armpits legs and bare breats...and yes guys in black loafers white socks with bermuda shorts..OMG the horror of it all

  2. Chelsea Covington what a role model to her child

  3. I don't know what the big deal is. I see bigger man boobs at the beach and when did breasts get sexualized. I don't have with a women letting her boobs down and let it all hang out at the beach. I am sure they get tired of them all trussed up and hidden from the light. Children will not be traumatized it seems to be men that can't get over them.

  4. "City Solicitor Guy Ayres said the issue was not one of privacy, as there is no constitutional right to appear public nude.

    “One does not have the right to impose one’s lifestyle on others who have an equal right to be left alone,” he said. “The equal protection clause does not demand that things that are different in fact be treated the same in law,” he said. “Nor that a government pretend that there are no physiological differences between men and women.”"

    The concept of imposing one's "lifestyle" on others just by being visible is kind of a stretch. If this opinion holds the water for the city's law, what other personal freedoms may be curtailed with the same argument?

  5. Given what goes on behind closed doors and on the internet, this ban is absurd.

  6. The problem is that the people who want to do this kind of thing don't stop there.

    Those same people seem to think they have some kind of right to do whatever they want.

    How many times have we walked onto Assateague and found people completely naked.

    What a lovely thing for a family to endure. And I suppose we are the ones who will have to adapt and go somewhere else because of some self-absorbed, rude liberals who want to run around naked.

    Interesting factoid: many of the demon-possessed people described in the Bible are running around naked.

    Just sayin'

  7. Are bare breasts really a life style ? If you are that modest take up a Prairie Dress or Burka and stay off the beach. I always wonder just who is it that is drawing the dirty pictures in their minds. I see people fully dressed in daily life that have no business leaving their homes in the light of day. There is nothing sexual about that just appalling physiques accompanied by bad taste . Some of these peevish, puritanical, petty notions people have about things like their beliefs should be left at home.

  8. Can you see the drones with cameras on the beach, taking pictures and posting them on the Internet, which is perfectly legal. What will these woman say then?

  9. Well if you can't be proud of the body God gave you and bask on his beaches either because you lost faith and let your gift go or think it's glandular or genetics....that's a not so faithful excuse....more like shame in the Garden. Rejoice nakedly and proud in your makers image....LOL and if you can't live up to that I question your faith and you have bought into original sin and shame . Which was never the makers intention LOL. Be naked be glorious just keep it out of WalMart.

    1. No walls, no boarders, legalize ALL drugs. This will build a safer society and NO CLOTHES OPTIONAL EVERYWHERE! Of course BAN all guns this will be a safer place to blossom.

  10. 10:24 AM: Do us all a favor and move to Europe.

  11. 1102 - what else you asked? Everything in the eyes of Guy Guy and City FAIL!

  12. 12:38 PM - I'm guessing that they'd wave and say "Hi!"

    1. What age do you think is appropriate?

  13. Who's Constitution are we quoting. What rights are being forced against us if we have to bake a cake for gays

  14. 7:07 You can bake me a cake, cupcake!

    1. That's why your a bully. Happens in childhood now you want to bully everyone you can. Snowflakes are special. #hugasnowflake

  15. I had no idea who this woman was so I googled her.... after looking at her pictures I would suggest she cover up.... ick

  16. americans are so uptight about nudity but i guess when you hold the title of "obese capitol of the world" there is a lot of jealously when one of the non obese people take their clothes off in public,because it just makes the fat people more ashamed of their lard.


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