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Sunday, December 31, 2017

Oregon Court Rules Christian Bakery Must Pay $135,000 to Lesbian Couple

The Oregon Court of Appeals upheld a decision that forced two Christian bakers to pay $135,000 to a lesbian couple who said they felt “mentally raped” when the bakers declined to make a wedding cake.

“Freedom of expression for ourselves should require freedom of expression for others,” First Liberty Institute president Kelly Shackelford said.

First Liberty, one of the nation’s most prominent religious liberty law firms, represented the Kleins.



  1. That is just wrong!

  2. So thanks to this ruling the KKK could force a Black caterer to serve them dinner in full regalia.

  3. Let the supreme court decide.

  4. $135,000.00 Wow That seems to be a bit steep, good thing one of them did not slip on the floor on the way out the door. Could of been in the millions.

  5. liberal world we live in! Keep your mouth shut OR have a bank account to back it up!

  6. "So thanks to this ruling the KKK could force a Black caterer to serve them dinner in full regalia.."

    An interesting scenario, 2:58.

    But we've seen that many liberal organizations and companies have refused service to law enforcement, conservative organizations, and of course, to those who voted for Mr Trump. All without consequence.

    Just the same, it would be interesting to 'push the envelope' like that and see just what happens (and how they excuse it.)

  7. BS, no service as the owner sees fit means nothing anymore. So let us all bend over and take it. I think not. With all the gays is there has to one that can make a cake? I have nothing against guys (my son is gay)but when they start crying then it is on them. Grow a pair and get over it and go some where else or hope some dem will give you all u want. But will that make u a better person, not at all it just shows that u r an asshole and want to blame on someone else not u. You should have found another bakery n let it go. (map)

  8. Yes-- appeal.

    The gay mafia CANNOT be allowed to get away with this.

  9. You can thank activist judges for rulings like this.

  10. Is there a go fund me page to help the kliens

  11. The liberal democrat judge is a disgrace.

  12. So according to that ruling if I "felt" like someone has punched me then it is the same as actually being hit! If I look at a women and she "feels" like I have raped her with my eyes it it the same as physical rape?

  13. Does anyone think that a Maryland court would have decided differently?

  14. Would hope so 7:56. No shirt no service i guess is no longer enforceable? all muslim must not offend either, amish, jews, buddist, NAZIs, satanist. Why do/did they pick on the christians. Because they represent the light and truth and it burns there souls and eyes to see or hear the Truth of the word.

    So Gay-nazi food caterers must now serve muslim customers? I bet a muslim would shop elsewhere, unlike GAY-NAZI TYPES. However Both of these groups WILL FORCE YOU TO DEATH TO AGREE with satans agenda not Gods

  15. This why its so important that President Trump is changing the courts. So far this year he has appointed 73 federal judges besides the Supreme Court judge Mr Gorsuch.This will eventually change the Country back to the right away from these activist ideologue courts. This case just needs to go to a higher court and it will be eventually overturned ! MAGA


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