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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Strassel: FBI Still Stonewalling Congress on Clinton Email Inquiry

Kimberley Strassel said the FBI is stonewalling Congress' questions about how the bureau handled the Hillary Clinton email investigation.

On "The Daily Briefing" on Friday, Strassel, a member of The Wall Street Journal’s editorial board, pointed to the revelation that then-FBI Director James Comey’s draft statement on the Clinton email investigation was heavily edited before his July 2016 public announcement.

Line-by-line edits show "grossly negligent" being downgraded to "extremely careless." Similarly, the phrasing that it is “reasonably likely” hostile actors had gained access to then-Secretary of State Clinton’s private email account was downgraded to merely "possible."

Strassel said the FBI needs to answer questions about how and why these edits were made, and the agency has thus far appeared unwilling to do so.


1 comment:

  1. Where is the AG on this? It's about time we got to the bottom of this. Sorry Jeff, you're not getting the job done.


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