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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Boston University professor: 'Jingle Bells' rooted in racism

“Jingle Bells,” one of the most well-known Christmas carols in the world, is now being called racist.

A Boston University theater professor claims the Christmas carol has a “problematic history” because it was originally performed to make fun of African Americans.

“The legacy of ‘Jingle Bells’ is one where its blackface and racist origins have been subtly and systematically removed from its history,” Kyna Hamill, a BU theater historian, wrote in her “Theatre Survey” research paper on the story of “Jingle Bells.”

“Although ‘One Horse Open Sleigh,’ for most of its singers and listeners, may have eluded its racialized past and taken its place in the seemingly unproblematic romanticization of a normal ‘white’ Christmas, attention to the circumstances of its performance history enables reflection on its problematic role in the construction of blackness and whiteness in the United States,” she wrote.

More high-level thinking here..
[People pay good money to learn stuff like this.. --Editor]


  1. Hey professor,JINGLE THIS!

  2. This is an example of academia being educated beyond their intelligence.

  3. The left wing Communists attempting to undermine everything in America by using racism against America.

  4. People pay very good money to support institutions of higher learning to hire people to think crap like this up and even bigger money for administrators to support it.

  5. If the song were "Jingle Balls" I might consider it sexist, but no, it isn't.

  6. 10:41....
    If YOUR degree was in African Tribal Folklore, you, too, would need to continually think up weird and whack angles on history to justify your academic existence and educational pedigree. The stranger, the better.
    These people could make a maple tree somehow, in some way for sure, "racist".
    Then, they pat each other on the back (and clap loudly whenever their name is announced) for being "original thinkers".
    Reinforcing MORE whack BS ideas and warped reasoning. They really do think they are brilliant.
    More entropy.
    It cannot be stopped.
    Keep cheering.


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