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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee: Terror of the skies since 1995

When United booted a paying customer from first class to make room for a member of Congress, the Internet erupted with good and healthy egalitarian outrage. But don’t blame the airline.

The congresswoman in question was Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, D-Texas. And until she lands on the no-fly list, no airline is safe. Jackson Lee has been terrorizing the skies since coming to Congress in 1995.

The Democrat has developed a reputation for making life hell for any clerk, stewardess, or pilot unwilling or unable to make her three-and-a-half-hour flight anything less than glamorous. She takes advantage of federal travel perks to book multiple flights (only to cancel at the last minute and at no charge). She demands an upgrade to premier seats. She expects, in her words, “to be treated like a queen.”

Sometimes it gets ugly. For instance, when one peasant of a flight attendant failed to serve the food Jackson Lee requested, the congresswoman went wild. "Don't you know who I am?" she reportedly shrieked. "I'm Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee. Where is my seafood meal? I know it was ordered!"



  1. Man I would love to be working a airline and deal with that punk.
    Do you know who I am, where's my seafood? Just who in her mind does she think she is? Queen? Queen of what jungle?
    She is a mere government servant and that is low as you can go. I wish I had the chance to wait on her and let her know she is a minion and only requires a can of sardines. The skank has been eating at our trough too long now.

  2. hopefully there's a special place in hell for such a self entitled pos like her!

  3. No matter how high up the ladder they get, they still feel entitled.

  4. reminds me of the folks at the Wicomico Board of Ed!


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