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Wednesday, December 27, 2017

MSNBC: Sports Editor Calling Trump and Fox News ‘Neo-Nazis’ Is ‘Absolutely Brilliant’, ‘Thought-Provoking’

During Tuesday morning’s broadcast of MSNBC Live, MSNBC Senior National Correspondent Chris Jansing and anchor Ayman Mohyeldin brought on The Nation’s Sports Editor Dave Zirin to argue that President Trump’s attacks on NFL players protesting the National Anthem earlier this year was actually a campaign of “open, ugly racism” that was deliberately aimed at discouraging black athletes from expressing their political opinions.

Last week, Zirin published a column for The Nation that made pretty much the same case, lambasting“Donald Trump, Fox News, and their neo-Nazi-infused right-wing echo chamber” for spending “a year frothing with rabid barbarism” to shut down the voices of black athletes. Jansing and Mohyeldin promoted Zirin’s piece as both “thought-provoking” and “absolutely brilliant,” but failed to correct him as he repeatedly spread blatant misinformation on the air to support his talking points.



  1. They keep trying, but it ain't working.

  2. The Nazi's were left wing socialists just like the Democrat party with virtually the same platform... Anti gun, Anti religion, National health care and Anti Israel.

  3. Wow, what a bunch of "maroons".

  4. Geoff smoot is the only person who watches that channel

  5. MSNBC 'correspondent' Ayman Mohyeldin is an Egyptian who previously worked for Al Jazeera news. This shows where is loyalties are.


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