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Friday, December 08, 2017

Red Cross Demands Branches Remove Crucifixes to Be More Secular

Volunteers have criticised the Red Cross charity after receiving a communication telling them to remove crucifixes from the walls of their branches as the organisation looks to become more secular.

The Belgian branches of the international aid organisation received an email from the Provincial Committee of the Red Cross in Liège to remove all crucifixes. André Rouffart, president of the Red Cross in Verviers, said: “We were asked to respect the principles of the Red Cross”, and not to distinguish between race or religious belief 7sur7 reports.

Mr. Rouffart said there had been pushback from volunteers and other members on the issue but downplayed the issue, saying: “I think it’s a storm in a teacup.”

Several volunteers spoke to Belgian broadcaster RTL and expressed hostility to the move, with one saying: “Let things remain as they are. We used to say ‘Christmas holidays’, now it’s ‘winter holidays’. The Christmas market in Brussels has become the ‘Winter Pleasures’.”



  1. Asking this is no differnet than making any other rediculous set of demands based on one small groups narrow view of the world.

    Make no mistake the morons, BLM, Neo-Nazis, KKK,Flat Earth-ers, 6000 year old earth-ers, Dinosaur Conspirators are all a step backwards.

    They all need to be laughed at. Not destroyed, beat up or even payed attention too. Just ignored and laughed at, maybe even pitied. How does the education system fail people so badly.

  2. Red Cross is a rip off. Donate your money elsewhere.

  3. F the Red Cross. I will never donate a nickel to their cause again.

  4. So are they going to change their symbol and name from Red Cross to Red Dot or Red Exclamation Point or some other nonsensical name.

  5. The Red Cross and the Red Crescent have coexisted for a long while, but the Red Cross takes the hit for acknowledging Christianity?

    Eliminate both the cross and the crescent and replace them with a big red X to make everyone happy.

    I agree with a previous comment in that I will never again donate either my time or my money to the Red Cross. It's become something other than what we were all led to believe.

  6. 7:27 that’s exactly the point, we might as well go ahead and eliminate the cross in the Red Cross so as to give way to Islam. There is a certain political party that won’t be happy until you all do.


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