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Friday, December 08, 2017

GOP Tax Bill: A Missed Opportunity

“Republicans” have failed to fulfill the promise of tax relief …

With only two votes to spare, the United States Senate passed a massive tax “reform” bill over the weekend that aims to fundamentally overhaul the American tax code and stimulate economic growth.

Will it do either of those things? Who knows. It’s not going to do anything unless it gets passed, though … and even if it does get passed there are considerable questions as to whether it will provide a badly fractured ruling “Republican” party with anything resembling a real victory.

The bill that advanced by a 51-49 vote in the Senate is considerably different thanthe one which cleared the GOP-controlled U.S. House of Representatives last month. As a result, a conference committee will be convened to iron out the differences between the competing plans.

What are those differences? Good question …


1 comment:

  1. More $$$ for the rich, less $$$ for our children (debt)


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