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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Family ordered to take down Christmas display after neighbor said it was ‘offensive’

A Pennsylvania family was ordered by their homeowner’s association to take down their Jesus Christmas display after one of the neighbors reported it as offensive.

Mark and Lynn Wivell of Adams County, a Gettysburg subdivision, said they put up their Jesus display last Saturday, FOX43 reported.

"As part of our Christmas decoration, we would display the name Jesus to point out to everyone that we in this family believe that the reason for the season is to celebrate the birth of Jesus," said Mark Wivell told FOX43.

On Sunday, the homeowner’s association told the family to take down the sign after a neighbor complained it was offensive. The homeowner’s association also claimed the display was a sign, not a decoration – which is a violation of the rules, USA Today reported.

The family said they have no plans to take down the sign until January 15, when the association requires all displays to be taken down. Family members said they are unsure which neighbor was offended.

"People get offended by different things, but just because something offends you, doesn't mean the whole world has to change to accommodate you, so I would say please be more tolerant," Mark Wivell said.



  1. People are just stupid! Leave the decoration up! I dislike neighbors more and more all the time and this is a perfect example of why!!


  2. These folks are absolutely right. Though I'm sure they try to be kind, there is a limit to what they can (or should) put up with.

    The 'offended' ones in our society need to reach a realization that they are not the center of the universe-- they should be educated on this subject every time they try to assert this artificial 'right'.

    We should stop overlooking it.

  3. These folks are absolutely right. Though I'm sure they try to be kind, there is a limit to what they can (or should) put up with.

    The 'offended' ones in our society need to reach a realization that they are not the center of the universe-- they should be educated on this subject every time they try to assert this artificial 'right'.

    We should stop overlooking it.

  4. These folks are absolutely right. Though I'm sure they try to be kind, there is a limit to what they can (or should) put up with.

    The 'offended' ones in our society need to reach a realization that they are not the center of the universe-- they should be educated on this subject every time they try to assert this artificial 'right'.

    We should stop overlooking it and address it directly and in an unmistakeable way.

  5. I think neighborhood associations are unnecessary and just a bunch of idiots who don't mind their own business. Most are dems because they like trying to make people as miserable as they are! I once had problems with one and we went to court until they went bankrupt and we haven't had one I over 20 years

  6. It's a sign with words on it. No different than Curb your Dog or Stay off the Grass. This political climate and social media has made people insane as if every word they read is some sort of personal attack upon them. Guess what people your perspectives and points of view are really not that important. I'd pay better attention to stop and yield signs and leave your paranoia at home.

  7. I’m not a believer but I’m with the homeowners on this one. Unless you’re going to pay my mortgage you don’t get a say in how I decorate my house for the holidays.

  8. You are so correct 5:00. They say it's mandatory to be a member. Bull crap!
    I might add: I'm offended that it is offensive.

  9. This is why I don't live in neighborhoods
    To many nosy people
    Love the quietness in the country

  10. e In the thirty years I have lived in a HOA neighborhood, neighbors have been made to get rid of junk cars, cut their lawn, pick up trash in the yard and basically act like civilized and mature adults.
    When neighbors act like lazy slobs my property value is negatively affected and this is the reason I like the Home Owner Association option.
    When purchasing a home in a HOA neighborhood one must sign multiple times and initial each and every rule of the HOA agreement at settlement.
    No person is forced to live in an HOA neighborhood-it is a choice.


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