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Tuesday, December 26, 2017

Dershowitz: UN is a 'Place of Hate' for US, Israel

Ambassador Nikki Haley's work to cut millions of dollars from the United Nations' budget sends an important notice that has become a "place of hate" when it comes to the United States and Israel, Harvard Law professor emeritus Alan Dershowitz said Monday.

"As far as what Nikki Haley has done I think it's terrific," Dershowitz told Fox News' "Fox and Friends" program. "It's about time we sent a message to the U.N., which has become a place of hate when it comes to the United States and Israel."

On Sunday, the United States applauded a $285 million cut that had been made in the U.N.'s core budget, after the General Assembly adopted a $5.396 billion budget for 2018-2019, just below the $5.4 billion that UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres had sought.

The United States provides for 22 percent of the U.N.'s core budget, and Haley commented in a statement that "inefficiency and overspending" were "well known" at the world agency.

"You know that Israel's representative to the U.N. once said that if Algeria introduced a resolution that the Earth was flat, and that Israel flattened it, it would win by a vote of 120 to 63, with 28 abstentions," Dershowitz said Monday.

"There has to be consequences for this kind of voting."

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  1. Nikki Haley is showing some real chutzpah at the UN. It was a good choice putting her there.

    Some are speculating about her in a Presidential run.. I think that might be a less effective use of her skills. Perhaps Secretary of State would be another great place for her to serve.

    I do appreciate her service to our country. She is doing a GREAT job!

  2. Newsflash Alan Democrats and the UN the same animal.


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