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Thursday, December 21, 2017

EXCLUSIVE: Ex-Planned Parenthood Employee Describes ‘Demonic’ Organization

A former Planned Parenthood manager called the abortion organization “demonic” in a Wednesday interview, explaining why she left the abortion business.

“I knew what I was doing was wrong,” Former Planned Parenthood Manager Ramona Trevino told TheDCNF in an exclusive interview. Trevino worked as the manager of a Planned Parenthood abortion-referral facility in Sherman, Texas, for three years before leaving in 2011.

“I am involved and it took a few years after working at Planned Parenthood to recognize my part in abortion even through referrals. I was still involved in a demonic organization,” she said. “There’s no other word you can use for what takes place.”



  1. The funny thing are the blacks who claim to be so offended by the Confederate monuments. They really are a bunch of simpletons. The founder of PP hated blacks more then anything in the world. She felt they were useless brainless wastes of space on the earth and wanted the whole black race annihilated. She felt they would not ever serve any useful purpose and the world would be better off if not one inhabited it. This is the reason why she founded PP. To kill off black babies so their numbers would be limited. If blacks had any morals and could actually think for themselves instead of following the orders of their democrat masters and if they were real Christians like so many lie and say they are they would be demanding the government stop funding an organization founded on killing off their race. The problem is most have been herded into and corralled into their ghettos and forced to attend substandard schools by their democrat masters so they don't know any better.

  2. The funny thing are the blacks who claim to be so offended by the Confederate monuments. They really are a bunch of simpletons. The founder of PP hated blacks more then anything in the world. She felt they were useless brainless wastes of space on the earth and wanted the whole black race annihilated. She felt they would not ever serve any useful purpose and the world would be better off if not one inhabited it. This is the reason why she founded PP. To kill off black babies so their numbers would be limited. If blacks had any morals and could actually think for themselves instead of following the orders of their democrat masters and if they were real Christians like so many lie and say they are they would be demanding the government stop funding an organization founded on killing off their race. The problem is most have been herded into and corralled into their ghettos and forced to attend substandard schools by their democrat masters so they don't know any better.


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