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Thursday, December 21, 2017

1-in-5 Illegal Aliens Would Go on Food Stamps After Amnesty, Says CBO

Nearly one-in-five amnestied aliens could go on food stamps if Congress approves a DACA amnesty, according to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office.

The DREAM Act, which is the most expansive amnesty being considered in the Republican-controlled Congress, would give potentially 3.25 million illegal aliens a pathway to U.S. citizenship.

Roughly two million of those 3.25 million illegal aliens would be immediately eligible for amnesty under the DREAM Act, says a newly released report from the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). Around 1.6 million of the two million would later obtain green cards and become eligible for federal benefits.

Some 17.5 percent of DREAM Act illegal aliens, or 280,000 former illegals, would be on food stamps by 2027 — even though they are young and employable — according to the CBO. Twenty thousand of those illegal aliens would be immediately eligible for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits after the amnesty.

The CBO report states that under the DREAM Act, American taxpayers would spend $2.3 billion just on food stamps for the newly amnestied illegal aliens between 2018 to 2027, with more illegal aliens expected to join the welfare program after that period.



  1. 4 out of five will continue to work 3 jobs.

  2. Yeah, robots and kiosks will probably make it 1 out of every 3 for Americans! We need to wake up, sooner rather than later!

  3. No amnesty. Give them work visas to work, but no citizenship to collect benefits for 10 years or more.

  4. Need to return DACA immigrants back to Mexico. We can't avoid them. Besides there are a lot of young America Dreamers we could be helping. Mexico can use whatever expertise the Democrats think the have that is so important to America.


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