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Friday, November 17, 2017

Stop saying 13 million people will lose coverage if the individual mandate is repealed

Now that Senate Republicans have formally decided to add repeal of Obamacare's individual mandate penalties to the tax bill, we're going to be hearing a lot more about the Congressional Budget Office's estimate that 13 million more Americans would be uninsured. But it's important to keep in mind that this doesn't mean that all 13 million will lose coverage.

The 13 million cited by the CBO fit into several different categories. Among them are 5 million Medicaid beneficiaries and 2 million workers who would decline offers of employer coverage. Because repealing mandate penalties would not change Medicaid eligibility, meaning that anybody who didn't sign up would still qualify, and could be signed up if they ever needed medical care. Similarly, repealing the mandate penalties would not mean that those employees would lose their offer of coverage. So, right off the bat, at least 7 million of the 13 million would not really be losing any coverage.



  1. Obama saddled the middle class with insuring the 13 million and the rich got richer.

  2. Health insurance is *not* the same as health care. I have insurance through the exchange but there is no way I can afford to use it.

  3. 6:13 Exactly right!

  4. Mandate is basically telling a person they must buy something they may not want..I thought that was illegal..also it is a big fat tax on people who can't afford high cost insurance or are too young, like college kids, to even realize they are required to purchase or be fined.

  5. Well, I went from $252/month, $1000 deductible to now $854/month, $7,0000 deductible. So, effectively I no longer have insurance.

  6. Meanwhile, big companies continue to scoot around requirements that they provide health coverage (e.g. Walmart)

  7. Who is going to decline employer coverage? Who are they talking about and why would you decline it?

  8. I do not know one person with obamacare or exchange insurance. Could be because my circle of friends have college degrees, own businesses or have insurance from their employer. It seems that the people here that complain about being required to have health insurance (individual mandate) are those that got divorced from the woman with a real job/insurance or work under the table. Seems that these people are the ones smoking cigarettes and eating McDonalds while claiming that it ain't right for the government to make them have health insurance.

  9. "I do not know one person with obamacare or exchange insurance. Could be because my circle of friends..."

    Apparently you have an exceptionally small circle of friends. That's what happens when you are a Hillary voter in this area.

  10. 8:42 Thank you. Some people are just so simple minded.

  11. Why do our politicians put randomness in a bill for taxes? Regardless of the health debate why can it be part of a tax bill? They are totally unrelated ad the common practice of doing this results in terrible outcomes for us citizens!


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