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Friday, November 17, 2017

Ex-Secret Service Agent Claims Biden Engaged in "Weinstein-Level" Groping

“He would mess with every single woman or teen. It was horrible”

An ex-Secret Service agent is claiming that former Vice President Joe Biden engaged in “Weinstein-level” sexual assault and that he would walk around the VP residence late at night completely naked.

According to Big League Politics’ Cassandra Fairbanks, a Secret Service agent who spoke on condition of anonymity revealed that Biden “would mess with every single woman or teen,” and that a Christmas get-together at the VP’s house had to be canceled “because Biden would grope all of our wives and girlfriend’s asses.”

He also said that the Service often had to protect female agents from him and that Biden was prone to parading around the VP residence late at night with no clothes on.

“I mean, Stark naked… Weinstein level stuff,” said the agent.



  1. I want to see all my democratic friends in d'bury respond to this news just like you frauds did about Trump. You know something like, "Oh the horror, the outrage" you know the drill - go ahead get on your box. Any you all LOVE creepy biden. Democratic voters makes me sick to my stomach.

  2. All of this is coming out now about Biden because the Dems are worried he might try and run in 2020. The establishment Dems ran him off in 2016 and don't want anything to do with him. Elizabeth Pocahontas Warren will be their choice for 2020. If he had run and became President in 16 none of this would be coming out.

    1. Kamala Harris is the democrat champion.

  3. he's from delaware, what else would you expect?

  4. Wish I were Bidens hands.

  5. He's been caught frequently in pictures. You can tell the women are uncomfortable with his seemingly harmless embraces. AKA GROPING.


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