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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Parkside Teacher Press Conference


  1. Where is her DISPLAY OF EVIDENCE!

  2. Only the BEST gets hired at Parkside and student thugs.

  3. 4 week Investigation ? Lol
    I could have locked up have daburys perps.

  4. Thankfully Monica Snee/Monica Nelson has been taken down but only a $50,000.00 bond. That's a shame. Thank you to the informant that decided enough was enough.

  5. Teachers union in control here just move along.

  6. 2:24, 10:40, I cracked up when they announced it. I was arrested several years ago for allegedly cursing at the Zoo. The commissioner said, "how dare you use the F-Word in front of children at the Zoo". I instantly responded, what are you talking about, I never cursed in the Zoo. She replied, "are you calling the Director of the Salisbury Zoo, Jim Rapp a liar"? I replied, your damn right I am and I have proof. She instantly said, "that will be a $50,000.00 bond Mr. Albero". Too damn funny. The next morning I went directly to Davis Ruark's office with several attorneys where I showed them the actual video footage PROVING it was in fact Jim Rapp cursing at the Zoo and I never once did. Ruark wanted to arrest Rapp immediately but I didn't want Rapp to go through what I had just been through. Instead I laid down 7 demands the Mayor and Rapp had to follow referencing better care for the animals and if they refused, then arrest Rapp. I got my way.

    $50,000.00 for allegedly cursing, too damn funny. I'd say they were extremely light on that bond, wouldn't you agree?

  7. My question is only 50,000 dollar bond for having drugs on school property and the amount she had.... oh that sounds rigged... she will probably have her charges dropped.

  8. Definitely should have been wayyyyyy more
    then the $50,000. Can't believe it!

    And Joe , thanks for caring for the
    animals at the Zoo. God help the ones
    there now!!!

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  10. Mikey doesn't like podiums. Can't see over them. Sitting down almost makes him almost look like a normal sized adult.

  11. What was the bond for your perjury charge?


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