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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Billionaire Tom Steyer: World Class Hypocrite

“What is un-American is when shadowy billionaires pour unlimited money into our democracy to rig the system to benefit themselves and the wealthiest one percent. I believe in an America where economic opportunity is open to all. And based on their actions and policies they promote, the Koch brothers seem to believe in an America where the system is rigged to benefit the very wealthy.” —former Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, denouncing the $14.5 million spent by Charles and David Koch on Senate races, March 4, 2014

“California billionaire hedge fund manager turned political activist Tom Steyer announced in a press conference on Thursday morning that he is ‘doubling down’ and committing another $10 million to his Need To Impeach campaign against President Donald Trump. The additional capital, which would bring Steyer’s total dollars spent to $20 million, will fund new advertisement buys and at least one new commercial which will be released next week.” —Forbes Magazine, Nov. 9, 2017

For terminally hypocritical Democrats, some billionaires and their spending are “more equal” than others..



  1. He's just another New World Order elitist that's mad because he can't make a trillion dollars from us poor people on climate change regulations.

  2. Liberalism is a mental disease.

  3. This guy is a traitor.


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