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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Members of Congress Want to Raise Smoking Age to 21

Democrats in the U.S. House and Senate have filed a new bill that would prohibit the sale of tobacco to anyone under 21.

The measure was sponsored by U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette of Colorado and Sens. Brian Schatz of Hawaii and Dick Durbin of Illinois. Seventeen other members of Congress, all Democrats, are co-sponsoring the legislation, which is aimed at reducing tobacco use among young people and helping to save lives.

Several states already have raised the legal age to buy cigarettes to 21. Hawaii and California were the first to pass such a law. In July, New Jersey joined them, and in August, Maine and Oregon did the same.

In most states, the legal age to buy tobacco products is 18; in a few it is 19.


Publishers Notes: But it's OK to serve your country and even die for it at 18. Perhaps Liberals feel you're not MAN ENOUGH at 18 because they can't decide, am I a man or a woman?


  1. Then Raise the age of the MILITARY.

  2. Joe we don't want Snowflakes in the military because they refuse to leave mommy's basement until 35.

  3. Publisher's note reply: You can'y buy alcohol either. Are you ok with lowering the drinking age back to 18? Smoking is dumb and those that do it are dumber.

    1. 1247 if someone wants to smoke it’s none of your damn business. That’s the problem with people now days. You all are so busy sticking your noses in other people’s business and expect them to adopt what YOU deem as acceptable behavior.

  4. No problem. As long as the draft age is raised to 21 as well.
    Have no problem living by the rules as long as the rules are the same for everyone.

  5. It's actually the best thing you could do for the young soldiers. Unlike alcohol in moderation, there is ZERO benefit to tobacco smoking. Tobacco related health problems also cost tax payers a fortune.

    We have no problem with the drinking age at 21, then raising the age for tobacco should be a lay up.

    Look, I'm a former smoker too, for almost 20 years. I wonder if I would not have started if I had been a little older and wiser, and not so susceptible to peer pressure and what looked cool in movies and on TV.

    1. 121 if you’re that weak minded that you can’t resist smoking because of commercials then you’re unfit as an adult. You MADE THE CHOICE to smoke. Own up to it. Don’t be a douchebag and hid behind some stupid excuse. Please. Being a grown up means taking responsibility for your own choices.

  6. Let's see if I've got this right. They want to legalize marijuana and outlaw tobacco. Ok, I've got it - they're nuts!

  7. You don't need to smoke weed to get the benefits of CBD/cannabinoids.

  8. 12:46 shot a .22 once and is now an internet warrior.

  9. Instead of worrying about f-ing smoking the Congress and Senate better get their asses working on Tax Reform, funding the Wall and repealing Obamacare. That’s what they’re there for not debating the smoking age! It’s time for them to DO THEIR JOBS and quit dicking around!

  10. Ditto 5:37. THIS IS A NO BRAINER.old enough to die and kill for the country. You are entitled to drink and smoke. Regardless of what they think!

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Publisher's note reply: You can'y buy alcohol either. Are you ok with lowering the drinking age back to 18? Smoking is dumb and those that do it are dumber.

    November 14, 2017 at 12:47 PM

    go suck an egg.

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    1247 if someone wants to smoke it’s none of your damn business. That’s the problem with people now days. You all are so busy sticking your noses in other people’s business and expect them to adopt what YOU deem as acceptable behavior.

    November 14, 2017 at 5:35 PM


    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    121 if you’re that weak minded that you can’t resist smoking because of commercials then you’re unfit as an adult. You MADE THE CHOICE to smoke. Own up to it. Don’t be a douchebag and hid behind some stupid excuse. Please. Being a grown up means taking responsibility for your own choices.

    November 14, 2017 at 5:40 PM

    wow you are so stupid I don't even know where to begin with you. How about you just shut your sanctimonious knob polisher and mind your own damn business? Maybe learn about a topic before you offer your uninformed opinion too

  12. 5:35 It is my business when my tax dollars have to pay for your medical bills because you spent thousands of dollars on cigarettes that cause a multitude of diseases and you failed to earn enough money in your life time to afford medical care other than medicaid.


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