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Sunday, November 19, 2017

Making America Great Again?

At around 2:00 PM on Sunday, a local Salisbury establishment usually packed for Sunday Football saw a major decline in business on Veterans Day. It's very clear, Americans boycotted football in a very big way.


  1. Thank you!! USMC DAV

  2. Good. It's high time we woke up to the fact that ALL professional sports are just a way to control the natural and good aggression of the populace. If you HATE the fill-in-the-blank rival team, you deflect that hatred against the government, where it belongs.

  3. A bar in economically depressed Salisbury is not representative of the entire US.

  4. Hmm America is getting back to Great Again. Salisbury leaders are what’s holding back that greatness with unnecessary feel good regulations and driving business away from the area. Use your noodles, poodles.

  5. Protest the NFL, but don't protest our local establishments. Other sports are on TV the same time as the NFL.

  6. If I am in a Sports Bar, it sure won't be for any sport other than raising my arm to control the flow of a mug.
    In fact take the screen out of the place, along with doctor offices. I always try to sit under the set or back to, to keep from seeing trash like The View, etc. etc.

  7. 11:03 - On this issue it is! Stop fooling yourself.

  8. Anonymous said...
    A bar in economically depressed Salisbury is not representative of the entire US.

    November 13, 2017 at 11:03 AM

    No, but empty stadiums all across the country are!

  9. And now the owners are going Goddell $50 million a YEAR contract ? now you know y families cant AFFORD to go its ALL about the RICH.

  10. It is all about the rich. Forget these bozos and try some YMCA for a change. Try some good time with the family and the kids. You only go through this world once.

  11. Goodell is trying to cash in before they crash in (flames).

  12. "It's all about the rich." 530 you sound like moron. Please get your head out of your ass (if you can) and realize the protest on the NFL crosses all demos and socio-economic classes. You sound absolutely ridiculous.

  13. They probably stayed home & watched football.

  14. Ravens had a bye week.


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