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Sunday, November 05, 2017

Family Visiting Baltimore Inner Harbor Attacked By Teen Mob

It’s the heart of Baltimore’s tourism industry, but the Inner Harbor turned into a nightmare for a visiting family of 10 earlier this month.

Out of nowhere, they were swarmed and beaten by a large number of teenagers.

While the family that was attacked does not want to be identified, they do want their story to be heard. They told their story to WJZ off-camera.

“They swarmed us,” said Stacey. “They hit my husband in the head. They knocked him out… and then it was just complete bedlam.”

It happened on the day of the Baltimore Marathon, Oct. 21. The event brought a big crowd to the harbor that night. The 10 family members, from grandparents to grandchildren, were walking by the H&M store when they were overwhelmed.

“And they punched my nephew in the face and knocked him to the floor,” Stacey said. “My sister went to protect her son, and they were kicking her. I was kneeling with my husband, screaming ‘Somebody help us, why is nobody helping us?'”

Baltimore City police spokesman T.J. Smith says groups of teens have been a problem in the city.



  1. Thugs in Charm City? What a crap hole.

  2. let the citizens be armed
    a few of these teens get shot, and they will stop

  3. Maybe time to get rid of the stupid “good and substantial reason” to conceal carry permits Hogan!!!!

  4. Constitutional carry would have some effect.

  5. Groups of Black teens have been causing trouble down there all summer.

  6. Typical baby mamma kids with ridiculous made up ghetto names.

  7. Just play the National Anthem and all the hoods will drop to their knees to protest whatever they are blaming white folks for that day.

  8. They can look for and follow 'a group' of teens. If the police did that I can guarantee you they would break apart on their own. They may regroup but if every time they see a group of 5 or more and just follow them it would break it up.

  9. This sort of behavior/crime is the knife in the heart of Baltimore.
    There was a time when there was an "understanding" between LE and - OK, we'll call them "teens" - that they would stay out of Inner Harbor. The same deal was understood in the tourist area of Washington, DC.
    For the past couple of years, Inner Harbor has become an extremely dangerous area. The teens have pretty much taken over the streets and into HarborPlace as well.
    (For the record: This was much like the agreement made in Little Italy, which stands to this very day. You very rarely hear of any teen crime in Little Italy even though it is surrounded by projects full of teens. Maybe it's due to the fact that every single Italian homeowner has a gun, and will shoot?)

  10. Baltimore Officers are handcuffed from doing their job or did everybody forget the Obama, Lynch DOJ report restricting the Police in Baltimore. That is why their Police force is shrinking or looking the other way. Ask Mosby, the new Mayor, Elijah Cummings and the other Democrats to walk the beat and patrol these thugs with their decisive speeches.

  11. I happened catch this last night on WBAL news. The Family was from New Jersey. It was family of four, and mob beat each of the family members for no reason at all. Police were nearby, but they were unable to find them. Apparently, it was right out in the open in front of many witnesses. The area has it's own police and even with a heavy police presence, it still happened.

    I didn't see this on WBOC or WMDT, but then again, it didn't happen in Delaware! Luckily I have NEWSOne on my ROKU app and I can now watch local news concerning Maryland through this app. Goodbye WBOC and WMDT!

  12. “groups of teens” has become a euphemism for armed black criminal mobs roaming the city pillaging white people as they please. It is literally Mad Max Black there at night. Police won’t even go in some areas without being in their armored vehicles. They refuse to chase the gangs of off-road motorcyclists and ATV’s terrorizing the city day and night.
    Many people do not understand the life these sub humans live.
    Most are seriously cognitively and psychologically impaired, and completely morally bankrupt.
    They gather in primal mob or pack situations to survive like animals.
    I just don’t understand in this day and age how a race of people can still be so primitive.

  13. State Department has said not to cruise the streets of Baltimore during night time hours. If you must enter the Baltimore City limits, the appropriate times would be from 11:59am to 12:00pm.

    Problem solved!

  14. If you go to Baltimore without a gun you are going to be assaulted it's just a fact of life. Put ten or twenty in the ground and it will stop the issue.

  15. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    If you go to Baltimore without a gun you are going to be assaulted it's just a fact of life. Put ten or twenty in the ground and it will stop the issue.

    November 1, 2017 at 2:14 PM

    No, if you do that a thousand would come to the funerals. Hey, wait a second.....

  16. And they wonder why no one will invest in their neighborhoods? The only businesses open are liquor stores, wig shops and check cashing stores with bullet proof glass enclosures. It will never change as long as liberals are in charge and make excuses for them.


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