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Sunday, November 05, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury Fire Dept Volunteers

I received mail this week claiming to be the 2017 Fund Drive for the Fire Department.

I am hoping other readers can educate me on this.

The information is misleading as part of it say Salisbury Fire Department and part of it says SFD Volunteers.

I thought the volunteers were divorced from SFD.

Whats the deal?


  1. from their website -- "Today, the Salisbury Fire Department, under the command of Acting Chief Richard A. Hoppes, operates out of three stations with 62 career personnel and 120 volunteers."

  2. SFD Sta 16 technically still has volunteers. There maybe a couple of so-called volunteers left at Sta 2.

  3. 7:23 AM I highly doubt the website has been updated to reflect fact

  4. Here's the deal , do what the hell you want , if this is all you have to bitch about then move on.

  5. I'll donate when they call themselves "Wicomico County Fire & Rescue Station X" County wide.

  6. 8:30 AM hostile much? Citizen asks for information and you classify it as bitching? All the more reason not to donate when you have an attitude like that.

  7. Since SFD does not want to operate outside City Limits without outlandish charges and long response times, then I will not donate since I am within Wicomico County boundaries.

  8. Jake Day and the City Council officially eliminated the Station 1 Volunteers from the City Charter about a month ago.

    Technically there are no volunteers at Station 2 and 16 because they are not dispatched any longer. It's paid fire crews only.

  9. Typical of Democrats like Jake Day, Rick Hoppes, Jack Heath and Muir Boda to dupe the unsuspecting citizens, especially the elderly into donating to a fraudulent cause.

    This should be investigated by the Department of Justice.

  10. Anonymous said...
    SFD Sta 16 technically still has volunteers. There maybe a couple of so-called volunteers left at Sta 2.

    October 30, 2017 at 7:32 AM

    There is no such thing as "technically still has volunteers." Sounds like some dumb comment Cherry Cheeks Townsend would make.

    And what is the difference between "a couple of so-called volunteers left at Sta. 2" and "SFD Sta 16 technically still has volunteers?"

    The liars keep on lying!

  11. Anonymous said...
    from their website -- "Today, the Salisbury Fire Department, under the command of Acting Chief Richard A. Hoppes, operates out of three stations with 62 career personnel and 120 volunteers."

    October 30, 2017 at 7:23 AM

    First of all Rick Hoppes should have never been made the "Acting Chief." Proof there that Jim Liarton didn't want him and Hoppes was used as fight between Liarton and Campbell, Cohen and Spies.

  12. Proper place for this trash is in the circular receptacle.

  13. Anonymous said...
    I'll donate when they call themselves "Wicomico County Fire & Rescue Station X" County wide.

    October 30, 2017 at 8:56 AM

    My Sentiments exactly!

  14. Anonymous said...
    Since SFD does not want to operate outside City Limits without outlandish charges and long response times, then I will not donate since I am within Wicomico County boundaries.

    October 30, 2017 at 10:52 AM

    And you will be getting billed a minimum of twice that in the city limits. Bob Culver screwed up signing on to a silly ass "fire service agreement" anyway. He had plenty of time to create a county wide fire and EMS department, but he gave it away to the idiots Jake Day, Jack Heath, Jim Liarton and Rick Hopeless.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Proper place for this trash is in the circular receptacle.

    October 30, 2017 at 6:08 PM

    The Liberals at the Fire Department and the City trying to rape the tax payers again by begging for free money.

  16. Letter To The Editor: Part I

    Currently Central asks Truck 1 if they are available? They said yes and Central said stand by for dispatch. They then dispatched Truck 1 for a medical assist and Salisbury EMS for a 4th run EMS Call for a "Sick Subject." Assistant Chief 1 speaks up and says dispatch next due in the County for that call. Then Central says they are taking a 5th run ambulance call. Must be nice to have that gravy job as an assistant chief in Salisbury. Captain Jay "I'm Scared Of Fire" Jester told Central that he was closer to Chestnut Way so he will take the medical assist. Jay Jester love taking the fire truck on medical assists chasing the ambulance so that he can be committed to the ambulance call just in case a fire comes in.

    So why is Central asking a fire truck if they were available when the call was an EMS call and they delayed dispatching the EMS call for that banter???

    Then Central dispatched Delmar Ambulance to respond to Chestnut Way for the "Sick Subject."

    Next Central dispatches Truck 1 and Parsonsburg EMS for the 5th run ambulance call at 9xx Winding Way for "general weakness." While Salisbury Truck 1 and Parsonsburg EMS is responding Central advises them that the subject is a 91 year old patient complaining of weakness and that the are a Hospice Patient. A Hospice Patient?? Why do you need a fire truck for a Hospice Patient? Why do you need an Ambulance for a Hospice Patient??

    "What is hospice care? Hospice care is designed to provide support to you and your loved ones during the final phase of life." That means they have been sent home to die and they don't need an ambulance and they DO NOT NEED A FIRE TRUCK!! Now Jake Day and Rick Hoppes are going to bill Bob Culver and the County tax payers for that fire truck response. Since the nurse was negligent in requesting an ambulance response then the County should bill Coastal Hospice for that stupid move.

    Now while Delmar EMS is on the call for Salisbury on Chestnut Way their fire department gets dispatched for a second EMS call on 6xx East Walnut Street in Delmar for a Heart Patient. Is that fair to the tax payers of Delmar that their ambulance in in Salisbury's Fire District taking calls for them while one of their own is suffering a cardiac emergency!

    The county tax payers have to pay Jake Day and Rick Hoppes for an unnecessary fire truck response for a medical assist and Parsonsburg and Delmar respond to the same call for the Salisbury Fire Department and they are not compensated for that same call. Why is this fair?? It's not fair to Parsonsburg EMS or Delmar EMS. They are getting raped by the City of Salisbury.

  17. Letter to the Editor: Part II

    Salisbury has 6 ambulances so why are they sending fire trucks on a medical assist instead of breaking down the fire crew and taking one of the second ambulances at the stations? Don't tell me they can't do it because they are not at the station. I hear them responding to the Station 16 to pick up the rescue truck all the time when they are out. I hear them responding to Station 16 all the time to pick up the Hazmat Truck when they are out. I hear them responding to Station 16 all the time to pick up the Dive Truck when they are out. I hear them responding to Station 16 all the time to pick up the Brush Truck when they are out. I hear them responding to Station 16 all the time to pick up the Tanker Truck when they are out. If any 3 of those paid fire crews can swing by Station 16 to pick up the Rescue, Hazmat, Dive, Brush or Tanker trucks one of them can swing by and pick up an ambulance. Why can't Rick Hoppes, John Tull or Darrin Scott take one of those ambulance calls since they are getting paid as an EMT? Are they too good to ride the ambulance anymore? What about Chris Truitt, Tony Webster, Eric Cramer or Bryan Lewis?
    Why can't they take the 4th, 5th, and 6th run ambulance calls since they are getting paid to be Paramedics and they are sitting in the station most of the day doing NOTHING! There are 7(SEVEN) paid firemen/EMT's in Station 16 on the Admin side every single day in addition to the 7 to 12 firemen/EMT's on the fire side every single day of the week/24 hours a day. Monday through Friday you have up to 20 paid firemen/EMT's in Station 16's building so there should be no 4th, 5th or 6th run calls that Parsonsburg or Delmar EMS should have to take. This is where poor leadership show with Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Bryan Records, Chris O'Barsky, Jimmy Gladwell, Mike Donaway, Jay Jester, Rob Frampton, Dougie Parker and all the so called officers. Piss Poor Leadership in the Salisbury Fire Department and the City Mayor and Council. Embarrassing to say the least.

    And Jack Heath is running for County Executive and he hasn't cleaned up his own mess in Salisbury. You need to send that clown packing before he even gets the required signatures to run.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    SFD Sta 16 technically still has volunteers. There maybe a couple of so-called volunteers left at Sta 2.

    October 30, 2017 at 7:32 AM

    *may be*

  19. Who are the volunteers left at each station? Why does the city give each officer that is a paramedic a $1000 dollar stipend trot being a paramedic when they don’t ride the ambulance. Give the stipend to the paramedics that do the job.

  20. They run a fire truck on EMS calls for two reasons, to inflate calls, and the little boys like thier big red trucks. Leadership, what an oxymoron.

  21. The sfd is all about getting money to do wasteful things with it . It's time to stand against them.

  22. We should be looking into why when Salisbury assist with ems in another district that they double charge the person . Charge the Insurance company then the person as well . Sounds illegal.

  23. Why do they need more money everything is paid for them .


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