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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Exclusive — Alabama Polls: Judge Roy Moore Maintains Double Digit Lead Over Democrat Doug Jones Before, After WaPo Smear

MONTGOMERY, Alabama — Two new polls demonstrate that GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate Judge Roy Moore remains unaffected entirely by smears in the Washington Post against him, and his lead before the Post piece on Thursday afternoon remains intact.

One of the polls, which were both provided by the pollster to Breitbart News exclusively on Saturday evening, was conducted on Thursday morning before the publication of the Postpiece that afternoon. The second one was conducted on Saturday evening. Together, they show Judge Moore’s lead over Democrat Doug Jones has been virtually unaffected since thePost story came out.

The first survey, which was conducted entirely before noon local time on Thursday, shows Moore leading Jones by 50 percent to 39.2 percent with 10.8 percent undecided. That survey of 1,354 likely voters in the upcoming Dec. 12 special election has a margin of error of 3.5 percent.


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