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Wednesday, November 15, 2017

BUSTED! Moore Accuser's Stepson Spills the Beans

Darrel Nelson and Beverly Young Nelson
Beverly Nelson is one of the Moore accusers and Gloria Allred's client who claimed Judge Roy Moore (Alabama's GOP Senate candidate) tried to rape her in 1977.

The problem with her scripted broadcast - tears and all - is she showed her yearbook with Judge Moore's supposed signature. For one moment contemplate: if you were sexually attacked by someone, would you seek them out to sign your yearbook? Additionally, what yearbook comes out in December? Don't they usually come out in May/June after graduation?

Furthermore, Moore graduated from law school in 1977, which leaves suspect about this woman's account of their supposed encounter. Judge Moore was not the District Attorney in Alabama in '77, he was a Deputy District Attorney, but the signature shows otherwise. Therefore, many have viewed this as further reason to doubt this woman's statements in addition to the Allred connection.

Beverly Young Nelson with Gloria Allred
Many people have debunked her claims; however, the GOPe and MSM are bent on pushing their false narratives to the public will force Moore to step aside in an election that has him ahead by 10 points.

As a result of these allegations, many DC Swamp dwellers in the Republican party have called for him to step aside instead of seeing these accusations for what they are: unsubstantiated claims where time is a mitigating factor as to their authenticity.

At any rate, Ms. Nelson's stepson, Darrel Moore, doesn't believe she's telling the truth. He was so shocked and upset when he found his stepmother had levied these accusations, he went out of his way to make this official video statement, offering to help Judge Moore clear his name.

Nelson's reasoning is he's known about the Judge his whole life and feels she's made these false accusations for money and nothing else. (Note: It was widely reported that Gloria Allred paid a Trump accuser $500K to make false allegations against the then-presidential candidate. Miraculously, that accuser disappeared when Trump threatened to sue her for defamation and slander.)

Mr. Nelson wants to get the word out and has asked everyone to circulate it in the hopes of setting the record straight.


  1. Classic GOP playbook, smear the victim. Shameful.

    1. Classic Dem hang someone before due process.AKA OBAMA.

  2. And Hillary,feminists and liberals comforted the women Bill assaulted,LOL!

  3. classic Democratic playbook, accuse and convict without ebidence and before any investigation.

  4. Classic Republican playbook. Never wait to see if these accusations are for real. Just kill whoever is being accused. Pray for Judge Moore to WIN.

  5. I think a slander suit is in order against this lady as well as the others and one against the Washington Post for starting this!

  6. Don't know if this is doing the good judge "hep" or does he want a get out of jail card.

    1. 208 the statute of limitations ran out on this about 20 years ago. The only reason this lady did this is for money. You sound like a moron.

  7. "Additionally, what yearbook comes out in December? Don't they usually come out in May/June after graduation?"

    Back when I graduated at the end of may 1996, we didnt get our yearbooks until around October and mine was mailed to my parents house. It was like that all through middle/high school, always got our yearbooks the following semester. They would have to wait until the end if the school year to put in the "superlatives" or graduation ceremony pics, sports etc etc. There was a lot to it. Might be quicker nowadays with technology but doubtful. Yearbook companies are cranking out millions of yearbooks for students.

  8. Gloria is one of those ambulance chasing lawyers. Alas her daughter Lisa is as well.


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