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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

VP Mike Pence: ‘America Will Lead In Space Again’


  1. Oooo, a moon base! I wonder when the first hotel will follow.

  2. Hopefully we will encounter some intelligent life out there.

  3. Previous Administrations understood that the Apollo Landings were fake
    Therefore it did not occur to them to promise to visit the Moon.
    They would never suggest doing something which is still impossible to accomplish.

  4. STOP waisting $$$$$$$$$ on space and worry about EARTH !!!
    WE know enough about space, and all the $$$ is waisted just
    to keep a bunch of egomaniacs in High Paying Govt Jobs !!!!
    Time to start paying that 20 Trillion Off instead !!!!!!!!

  5. I suggest we pay our bills first.

  6. If USA writes Off PR debt , then just do same for that 20
    Trillion ..... it Never goes down anyway.....only UP !!!

  7. I suggest we put a high powered laser missile defense up there ASAP before Rocket Man sends one our way. We can't hit his from down here, so it only makes sense.

    To the naysayers, you are offing drunk to say we shouldn't be the largest population in space either by defense satellites or by human presence. So much better than riding in Putin's taxicabs, right?

  8. Space has been Done .....Time to take care of Earth !!!

    People watching too many Sci-Fi's ....Ain't go'in to happen

    America don't have the $$$$$$ to waist either ..........

    You are NOT living on Mars etc .........Forget it !!!!!!


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