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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Trump slams Corker, who calls White House 'adult day care center'

President Trump on Sunday ripped increasingly vocal critic Sen. Bob Corker, saying the Tennessee Republican gutlessly dropped his re-election bid after begging for the Trump endorsement he never received.

“Corker ‘begged’ me to endorse him,” Trump said in a string of tweets. "I said ‘NO’ and he dropped out (said he could not win without my endorsement). He also wanted to be secretary of state, I said ‘NO THANKS.’ ... Hence, I would fully expect Corker to be a negative voice and stand in the way of our great agenda. Didn't have the guts to run!”



  1. Corner needs to be Corked.

  2. But you gotta admit, that was funny!
    Trump does need to act a little more presidential, even though I agree with his policies.

  3. The only "Adult Day Care Center" I have seen in the last year is the Congress and Senate. None of them are doing anything at all except playing games with the people of this country. Enough is enough. Hatred being spewed right and left, lies being made up on a whim and Main Stream Media filling their agenda's.


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