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Saturday, October 07, 2017

Vegas Survivors on Trump, Melania: 'They're Real People'

Survivors of the massacre in Las Vegas who had a chance to meet with President Donald Trump and first lady Melania Trump said they were touched at how "caring" and "sympathetic" they both were.

Stephanie Melanson, whose mother is on life support after being shot Sunday, told CNN's "New Day" that the meeting was overwhelming.

"They're real people. He's a real human. She's a real human. They had a heart. They were caring. They were sympathetic. They had a listening ear. He sends his condolences … it was hard to take in," Melanson told CNN.

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1 comment:

  1. Well, gosh darn, who knew?

    I'll tell you who knew. TRUMP voters knew, and they also knew that real CLASS would be re-established in the WH.

    Make America Great Again!


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