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Saturday, October 07, 2017

DISTURBING Turn Of Events: County Sheriff Says We Have To Assume Las Vegas Shooter “Had Help”

I watched Clark County Sheriff Joseph Lombardo give this press conference on TV. He’s certainly right when he says the guy would have had to have been a super-villain to pull this off himself. And he’s right to assume he had help. I don’t see how he couldn’t have had assistance in all this and there are far too many unanswered questions still floating around. Yep, they are talking to the Filipino girlfriend, but there’s another woman that spent time with Paddock right up until the shooting. There’s even a receipt showing two people ate in his room and there are reports of a woman who was telling people they were all going to die.

And I also just don’t believe this guy could move this many guns, tons of ammo and explosive material and the Filipino girlfriend not ever see any of it. He had to train frequently as well. Something is just way off here and I have no idea what it is yet. Lombardo said, “Look at this. You look at the weapon obtaining the different amounts of tannerite available, do you think this was all accomplished on his own, face value? You got to make the assumption he had to have help at some point, and we want to insure that’s the answer. Maybe he’s a super guy, super hero–not a hero, super–I won’t use the word. Maybe he’s super — that was working out this out on his own, but it will be hard for me to believe that.”



  1. he had at least a year to do this, maybe a decade. anybody can make tannerite if they have alum cans and a grinder.

  2. How hard is it to take 3 trips to your room. With a luggage cart? It is not difficult at all. And from the the 32nd floor, spraying bullets into a crowd of 20k takes no skill, training, or aim... Every item this guy had was readily available to pretty much anyone. He was a nut job, end of story. Besides the only place this guy was not on camera while in Vegas was in that room. There would be video of people entering that room other than him..

    1. Police shooting qualification range starts at 25 yards and moves forward. Tactical operations 100 yards moves forward level ground. Sniper idk. The pos was at 400 YARDS and 32 Feet HIGHER then everyone else. Not including stress, fatigue, he also shot security trying to breach his door then returned fire back on the crowd. YES HE TRAINED. He was radicalized.

  3. You can buy gallon cans of powdered aluminum at any boat paint supply store.

  4. It is easier to believe this Paddock guy was simply a dupe.
    Murdered and given blame for a Black Ops event.
    Sounds about right.

  5. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    It is easier to believe this Paddock guy was simply a dupe.
    Murdered and given blame for a Black Ops event.
    Sounds about right.

    October 7, 2017 at 4:12 PM

    LMAO. That's easier for you to believe? You might as well take that aluminum foil off your head and make you some tannerite. lol

  6. He was isis or antifa radicalized and hated white people. Otherwise the case would be over. There is a whole lot going on we don't no about. Soon if not already search warrants and raids will be conducted. Democrats are aware of the possibility of this that is why they are BLAMING guns.

  7. YES HE TRAINED. He was radicalized.

    October 8, 2017 at 12:22 AM

    go back to sleep lol

  8. Clinton Foundation !!!


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