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Thursday, October 26, 2017

Two House Panels Launch Investigation Into FBI’s 2016 Decisions

Two key House committees have launched a joint investigation into decisions the Department of Justice made in 2016 during the presidential election.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Bob Goodlatte, (R., Va.) and House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R., S.C.) announced the probe on Tuesday.

Without mentioning then-FBI Director James Comey by name, the lawmakers said it would review several decisions the FBI made last year dealing with the investigation into Hillary Clinton’s mishandling of classified material while secretary of State, as well as its probe of campaign associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and their ties to Russia.

"Our justice system is represented by a blind-folded woman holding a set of scales," Goodlatte and Gowdy said in a joint statement. "Those scales do not tip to the right or the left; they do not recognize wealth, power, or social status."

"The impartiality of our justice system is the bedrock of our republic and our fellow citizens must have confidence in its objectivity, independence, and even-handedness," they continued. "The law is the most equalizing force in this country. No entity or individual is exempt from oversight."

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