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Wednesday, October 25, 2017

400 Scientific Papers in 2017 Say ‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth

When I reported earlier this year on the 58 scientific papers published in 2017 that say global warming is a myth the greenies’ heads exploded.

Since then, that figure has risen to 400 scientific papers.

Can you imagine the misery and consternation and horror this is going to cause in the corrupt, rancid, rent-seeking world of the Climate Industrial Complex?

I can. It will look something like this.

Just to be clear, so the greenies can’t bleat about being misrepresented, here is what these various papers say:


  1. Most have taken their heads out of the sand about fake global warming. News flash to those who haven't its all about carbon TAXES.

  2. I wish GEOENGINEERING was a myth.

  3. Global warming or climate change is something that happens naturally as the weather changes. It is NOT caused by anything man has done or is doing. It was all a big scam for the redistribution of wealth. To steal our taxpayer's money and give it to other countries. Just another rung in the global one world people's ladder to lead us to the destruction of our great nation as we know it. So it is about time we get our heads out of the global warming sand and take our country back. Thank God for a President like Trump trying to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

  4. I believe man does affect the weather by modifications to the environment, e.g., forest clearing, solar farms and wind mills. Ain't buyin' the CO² is totally responsible arguments.
    If the government had spent the money that they've thrown out the window bolstering the carbon dioxide theory to take over the economy on cancer research, we'd have a cure by now.
    Helluva lot more people have died and WILL die from cancer than will EVER die from "climate change".


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