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Monday, October 02, 2017

True Colors: Colin Kaepernick's Foundation Donates $25,000 to Group Named After Convicted Cop-Killer Assata Shakur

Colin Kaepernick has a lot of rotten stuff to say about the police: he’s called them murderers without proof, he wore “pig socks,” which depicted cops as pigs, and he’s compared cops to slave catchers. Now, it appears he’s put his money where his mouth is.

According to the Washington Times, Colin Kaepernick’s foundation donated $25,000 to a foundation named convicted cop-killer Assata Shakur.

The $25,000 donation to the Chicago-based group Assata’s Daughters, occurred in April, and was a part of a larger, $1 million pledge.

Shakur was convicted of murdering New Jersey state trooper Werner Foerster in 1973 and sentenced to life in prison. However, she eventually broke out of prison and escaped to Cuba, where she continues to live as a fugitive.



  1. No surprise there, POS doesnt stand for anything ethical!

  2. He needs to be arrested .

  3. He is what he tell us he is. Don't doubt it!

    Time to move on.

  4. I would expect nothing less from that overgrown chia pet

  5. He trashes this country, but he hasn't started packing the first thing up to leave this country.


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