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Monday, October 02, 2017

Scalise's Return Reminds Us What's at Stake

That Republican Rep. Steve Scalise is alive is a miracle. That he can walk is another, as evidenced in his dramatic return to Congress yesterday. Three months after being wounded by a would-be assassin, Scalise needed two walking crutches to make it to the House floor, and he entered to a long, rousing and emotional standing ovation from his colleagues.

The congressman’s return is a welcome sight during a time of political discord, and it’s also a reminder of that discord. Remember, it wasn’t just some nutcase who attempted to murder Scalise and numerous other Republicans practicing for the congressional baseball game, it was a socialist Bernie Sanders fanatic inspired by left-wing hate rhetoric.

Columnist Gary Bauer puts it in perspective: “After the Charlottesville riots, Congress passed, and President Trump signed, a resolution condemning white supremacist hate groups. The resolution also called on the federal government to investigate groups that are ‘fomenting and facilitating additional violence.’ Scalise’s would-be assassin was a fan of a Facebook page called ‘Terminate The Republican Party.’

Is the FBI investigating this group? Incredibly, that page is still active. Facebook doesn’t hesitate to pull content it finds offensive. But I guess that doesn’t qualify as ‘hate speech’ to the progressives who dominate Silicon Valley and the tech industry.”

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