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Monday, October 02, 2017

Steven Crowder and producer infiltrate antifa prior to Ben Shapiro event

CRTV host Steven Crowder wants to know why exclusive footage of his infiltration into the left-wing group known as antifa prior to a speech by author Ben Shapiro was rebuffed by media outlets.

A speech at the University of Utah this week by The Daily Wire’s editor-in-chief resulted in multiple detentions and one arrest for suspicion of disorderly conduct and assault, but video by Mr. Crowder shows a side of the story that hasn’t received much attention.

“Louder with Crowder” producer Jared Monroe successfully went undercover with antifa protesters who planned to use “plain clothes and hard tactics.” He notified police when he was given an ice pic for stabbing attendees.

One member of the group said he had guns in the trunk of his car in case “s– hit the fan.”

“Why did it take a late-night podcast host and his producer to do this kind of journalism?” Mr. Crowder asks in a YouTube video uploaded Thursday. “Cryptic messaging apps, private groups handing out illegal weapons and planning tactics — you mean to tell me that no one at ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN with billions of dollars in resources could have done this?”

The duo’s video, which has received nearly 900,000 views in less than 24 hours, shows Mr. Crowder offering his footage to local reporters and producer Dan Harris of ABC’s “Nightline.”

The host said everyone at the Young Americans for Freedom event shunned his story despite having footage that was verified by cops on the scene.

More here


  1. Weve all known, now its been proven!

  2. So, showing POLICE first hand EVIDENCE of premeditated assault, planning attempted first degree murder and wounding is just laughed off?

    I'm carrying full time now.

  3. These people are domestic terrorists. Treat them as such.


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