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Monday, October 02, 2017

San Juan Mayor: ‘I Was Asking for Help’ and NOT Attacking Trump

On Saturday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “AM Joy,” San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulín Cruz responded to criticisms of her by President Trump by stating that she was asking for assistance and not making “nasty” comments about the president. She also pointed Lt. Gen. Jeffrey Buchanan, the leader of military hurricane efforts in Puerto Rico, saying that he had insufficient amounts of troops and equipment.

Cruz began by talking about private donations and stated, “It’s a good dawn. And we’re moving ahead. And that’s what it’s all about. It’s about saving lives. It’s not about politics. It’s not about petty comments. it’s about moving forward, putting boots on the ground, and saving lives.”

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  1. She can't even LIE well....I saw her interview.

  2. She's a supporter or Hillary and looks like she picked up the Clinton Lying Disease...

  3. Sure sounded nasty to me.

  4. The natives of this island have chose to live in the path of hurricanes for years. We have given and given . How many other nations are helping ? 1000 miles from the U.S. mainland , what the hell can you expect. Trump has done an excellent job on this island , get over it people or go and help.

  5. Now she's a victim, just following the democrat playbook.

  6. It's always the US who helps But
    who helps t he US.
    People have to take their own
    responsibilities with their


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