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Friday, October 13, 2017

OUTRAGE! Public University FUNDS All Students’ DACA Renewal Application Fees

While many Americans oppose illegal immigration, most Americans conversely support DACA — the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. This allows children who were brought illegally to the United States, through no fault of their own, to receive a two-year deferred action from deportation, and be eligible for work permits. But while this program enjoys widespread support, what one public university just did has people furious.

San Diego State University just announced that it will fund its students’ DACA renewal application fees. The school, which is a public university, is setting aside $130,000 for the application fees, which are $495 per student.

“This is a one time funding allocation not to exceed $130,000 and will be given to the SDSU Economic Crisis Response Team. This could fund up to 262 student DACA renewals which we are told by the University would be sufficient,” D. Hayden Willis, vice president of financial affairs at SDSU, explained in a September memo to the Financial Affairs Committee.



  1. So Calimexico couldn't at least require the illegals to be responsible for a portion of the fee? The citizens of Calimexico voted these moonbats into the offices so let them pay the bill too.

  2. While those who are legal and struggle to make ends meet have to take out loans to go to school. If you are interested look at what the CA schools cost the residents of CA in the 80s and 90s versus now. Then ask yourself why? CA is a cesspool.

  3. No the state and federal tax payers along with student fees pays for those DACA students.

  4. So they use American tax payer money to fund these illegals? They have no right to that money and those public schools have no right to use the money as such. This needs to stop. Sending President Trump and my members of Congress an email to stop this garbage.


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