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Saturday, October 07, 2017

North Korea 'ready to test new high range missile capable of hitting US west coast'

North Korea is set to test-fire a new "high range" missile capable of hitting the US mainland, a Russian lawmaker claims.

Anton Morozov revealed Pyongyang's plans as he returned from a five-day visit to the hermit state - where the mood is "rather belligerent" - with a Russian delegation.

He claims North Korean officials gave the Russians mathematical calculations showing that the intercontinental ballistic missile could reach targets on the US west coast.

It comes just days after a CIA official revealed that Kim Jong-un's regime could launch a new missile or carry out another nuclear test next week.



  1. Maybe this is what Trump meant by "We will see"

  2. Aim it at Sacramento

  3. And we can't shoot it down? I think Rocket Man is trying to get us to show our hand before the game starts.

    Let's wait for him to make the first stupid move. We have more than our idiot press ever dreamed of.

  4. I wouldn't really the Liberals of California, that's a good start. Just Saying

  5. If he laid waste to Cali it would be a good thing.

  6. Bring it !!! So we can Finish Off N K !!!! Get it over with ..........

  7. The LAST Mistake they will make in NK !!!!!


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