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Saturday, October 07, 2017

Marco Rubio FIRES Back At Michelle Obama For “White Men” Comment- Liberal MELTDOWN

If you haven’t had enough of Michelle Obama’s wonderful speeches, don’t cry. She is back in the news, or at least on Twitter with a brand new racist, divisive comment to spread around to her adorning fans to defend. After you read about what she had to say about race, be sure to put the shoes on the other feet and place a conservative in her shoes, saying something similar…

You’ll find that the left would scream racism for the right, but not for their precious ex-First Lady. Here’s what Michelle had to say:

“We should be working actively to mix it up, so we’re getting a real broad range of perspectives on every issue. Shoot, I would see that in Congress.”



  1. Is she suggesting Affirmative Action points for congressional elections?

  2. I guess she forgets, like Barry does, that she married a half-white man.

  3. I would like for Moochelle to keep HIS big mouth shut. Nobody wants to listen to HIM.

  4. She should be shot.


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