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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

MEDIA SILENCE: New Jersey Democratic Congressman Bob Menendez Is Still On Trial For Corruption

Judge denied motion to dismiss Monday, as media ignores bribery scandal.

You might not know it from the lack of mainstream media coverage, but longtime Democratic Congressman Bob Menendez is still on trial in New Jersey on charges that he engaged in a pay-to-play scheme with one of his top donors.

Last week, federal prosecutors rested their case against Meneendez, after presenting weeks of evidence connecting the Democratic lawmaker to a Fort Lauderdale doctor named Salomon Melgen. According to the government's attorneys, Menendez communicated frequently with Melgen, using his influence with the State Department and Medicare fraud investigators, to do a variety of favors for Melgen.


1 comment:

  1. Main media outlets full of it,want UN control of us.


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