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Tuesday, October 17, 2017

About That 'Blacks Want New Gun Laws' Poll...

“Black Americans want new gun laws to curb gun violence,” The Washington Post headline tells us. “Trump offers more police.”

And with that one statement, we have so much to rebut!

So let’s start with the racist origins of gun control in the Jim Crow South. That’s right; the first laws to prohibit guns were meant to keep guns out of the hands of blacks, leaving them defenseless against the KKK. The worst massacres in American history weren’t Orlandoand Las Vegas. As National Review’s Kevin Williamson recounts, “That happened in — depending on who is doing the counting — 1917 in East St. Louis, or in 1873 in Colfax, La., or in 1921 in Tulsa, Okla., or in 1919 in Arkansas. All of those were mob-violence episodes in which white terrorists, often working under the leadership of Democratic politicians, massacred African Americans, hundreds at a time. Some were shot, some were hanged, some were burned alive.” Unarmed and defenseless blacks.

Second, we’d call this an example of pollaganda.


  1. So they want Trump to have MORE power? But I thought he was a racist? This is confusing because the left says he is unfit and now they want a bigger government to control them?

  2. Nobody knows what "they" want, not "us", not "them."

  3. There Ain't NO Slaves in America ....None Alive Today !!!
    If anybody was one...it would be the White Man !!


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