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Sunday, October 01, 2017

It’s Shocking How Empty The Stadium Was For Thursday Night Football

The San Francisco 49ers Thursday night game against the Los Angeles Rams kicked off in front of a nearly empty stadium.

Los Angeles Times reporter Lindsey Thiry tweeted a photo at the time of kickoff, which showed thousands of open seats. In fact, most sections in the photo have more empty seats than fans.

ESPN’s Darren Rovell reported that 63,500 tickets had been sold for the game, but of course, simply selling a ticket doesn’t mean the buyer will actually show up to the game.



  1. You think it might have something to do with the players disrespect for this country and it's flag? (sarc)

  2. Maybe it has something to do with one of the teams relocating from St Louis to LA. Not exactly in each other's backyards.

  3. Just the beginning....soon most stadiums will be 50% empty

  4. Just the beginning of emptiness,hope no congress people give subsidies to help failing NFL teams.

  5. From the article "NFL management needs to isolate the problem and fix it before things continue to spiral downward."

    To late they made their bed by allowing the players to disrespect the flag and the national anthem. Now time to face the consequences. Boycott the NFL, show them who is really the boss.

  6. The government will be giving away free game tickets in section 8.

  7. Would the NFL actually let 200 or so players ruin what they've built over all these years? If being PC correct is dictated by 200 players because of their fear of blacks....they deserve to fold up! This is total BS

  8. Just remember there was a time when blacks had to break the law to stand up for their civil rights. You think the conservative crowd was behind them? I believe they were saying things along the same lines as what you are saying now...

  9. Honest question here: If the flag represents freedom, how is it disrepectful to the flag to practice one's freedom to protest? Honest question, and note this has nothing to do with whether or not you agree with the person's position.

    1. How is it not? My opinion, my neighbors, family and friends have FREEDOM not to support football ANYMORE. NFL is for profit and the company will not get OUR Money. That is our FREEDOM. That is why we our the best country

    2. 2:53 It's called respect. The least any citizen of the USA could do is stand during the national anthem to show respect for those that died giving you the right to protest. Simple respect.
      Protest all you want (which 1/2 these guys don't even know what the hell they are protesting) but do it in a respectful manner. You may just get the right kind of attention that way.

  10. Anon 2:53 Where else do you find people protesting while at work. Also many of these stadiums were paid for by tax dollars. Are you allowed to protest at your place of employment?

    1. Dude, if you have to ask that first question, you need to take a serious read of a history book that is above 6th grade level. Sorry to sound offensive, but really dude, incorporate some more knowledge before you form an opinion. As for taxes, i guess one shouldnt protest on the washington mall or your average city street

  11. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Honest question here: If the flag represents freedom, how is it disrepectful to the flag to practice one's freedom to protest? Honest question, and note this has nothing to do with whether or not you agree with the person's position.

    September 25, 2017 at 2:53 PM

    Players are HIRED to play football or whatever sport they play. They are not allowed to use that time for such nonsense, and there is a clause in every contract they sign that states they cannot engage in conduct, on or off the field, to make the league or team look bad to the public. And kneeling for the anthem makes them look bad to the public, and the world.

    The NBA actually has a rule stating they are to STAND for the anthem while the NFL does not have a rule per se. But owners are well within their rights to fire such players if they so choose.

    If anyone likes I can post the links to back up what I say here.

    1. Except that the owners have made clear statements that they support the players' right to protest. So are you still mad?

    2. Are they there to play ball or protest. People who protest have way too much time on their hands. Do some charity work. Get involved with the poor especially elderly in nursing homes who are lonely. Not spending your time hitting someone over the head.

  12. 3:31 and paid for themselves in revenue already. If we protested at our place of employment we'd have to face the consequences, as crapernick is doing now. NFL has their reigns from here on out. Doesn't change the fact that what he did worked. The fact that we're talking about it proves that.

  13. 4:18 No it didn't work, we may be talking about it but his and others actions have made relations worse. If they really wanted to do something about relations all those athletes should buy some TV time and go on the air during prime time and have an honest discussion about race relations instead of doing some BS stunt.

  14. As the overpaid heroes do what ever they desire to do the sold and unsold tickets doesn't change their pay checks. This industry needs to have not governmental support and I directly the tax money thrown hand over fist for stadiums.

  15. I hope you all brush up on your Flag Code. I’m guessing many of you know someone violating the code or do so yourself. I look forward to knowing who we will be castigating next until the next overblown issue takes the internet by storm.

  16. Need to cut off taxpayer subsidies to NFL and make them a for profit entity that would stop the BS.

  17. 250
    I will help you get a clue:
    The NFL is freemasonry, and engaged in propaganda.
    They don't need your money or your viewership.

    Seriously, I know it is difficult to believe because we have all been lied to for so long. But the elite no longer need our money. They print plenty of it without any of our patronage.

    This is also true for Hollywood. They do not fear that people will stop watching movies or TV shows. They just don't care. It is not for money. It is for the globalist agenda: destruction of our culture.

    My opinion.

  18. Hire more White players
    Not Fair 90% are Black
    Or FINE the Teams !!!

  19. 6:54
    You bet your sweet arse.

  20. Although the players have a right to not stand facing the flag while our National Anthem is played, they show total disrespect for all who fought for the freedoms we enjoy today, many who gave their lives. That is a disgrace!

  21. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    I hope you all brush up on your Flag Code. I’m guessing many of you know someone violating the code or do so yourself. I look forward to knowing who we will be castigating next until the next overblown issue takes the internet by storm.

    September 25, 2017, at 5:33 PM

    The flag code is entirely different from this situation with football scum.

    It's one thing to make a mistake hanging the flag and quite another to purposely and intentionally disrespecting the flag.

    Not everyone knows the correct procedures or placement of the U.S. flag but most, if not all, know how to show respect to that flag, and what constituents disrespect.

    1. I feel it is the same issue. People against kneeling have drawn a very clear line of what is and is not appropriate. The flag code is quite clear of what is and is not appropriate. The kneelers are willingly doing so knowing what is expected of them. The same wth folks that wrap themselves up in the flag. If they are going to be hyper-patriotic they better known the code or come across as just as ignorant.

  22. next overblown issue takes the internet by storm.

    September 25, 2017, at 5:33 PM

    So you are suggesting the current issues with the anthem/flag are overblown. And you seem more worried about which way the blue field is facing when the flag is hung rather than the flag being burned, walked on or otherwise disrespected.

    You seem like another person who has no idea what that flag means and represents.

    I hope you can never get the grass stains out of your pants/dress when you kneel.

    1. No, I am not suggesting that. People are up in arms because of the perceived disrespect from kneeling. That’s fine. But you cannot sit there and say people doing things against the flag code is fine and kneeling during the anthem is not fine. The Flag Code is quite clear what is and is not appropriate. If you choose to display the flag, do it correctly. If not, then you are disrespecting the flag and the people who fought for it.

      If we are going to complain about distracting symbols, let’s make sure we include all forms.

  23. Dare the politicians to give the NFL a bailout.


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