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Sunday, October 01, 2017

Former Army Ranger Is Only Steelers Player To Stand For National Anthem

The entire Pittsburgh Steelers team remained in the locker room during the national anthem, with the exception of one player: Army veteran Alejandro Villanueva, who plays offensive tackle for the Steelers.

While the rest of his teammates remained in the locker room, Villanueva stood in the tunnel holding his helmet in his left hand and holding his right hand over his heart as the anthem played.



  1. The Only real Steeler on the team or staff.

  2. GOOD FOR HIM > FIRE the REST !!!

  3. Amen , in the last days , men will deny Christ and what he stands for.

  4. Funny how this man gets it and the rest of you and the entire NFL don't see to understand anything...

  5. The coach should be fired for giving him flack for expressing himself. Guess freedom of expression only works one way huh.
    Glad i gave up football. Will gladly boycot any sponsors also.
    Well worth any inconvenience it would cause.
    Why should we support those who won't support our country and honor the flag and anthem which we all have fought for so they could be free.
    Mandatory draft needs to be reinstated so one understands the real issue

  6. Good for him. The hell with the rest of the losers

  7. He knows what it means.

  8. Respect! Good man. Thank you for your service. 🇺🇸

  9. He's the only true patriot on the team. Having served multiple tours in Afghanistan and being a Military Academy graduate, he truly understands the meaning of the national anthem.

    I'm glad that the Squeeler's lost yesterday! Same for the Texan's and the Ravens.

  10. How do you think the cowards hiding in the locker room would react in a live fire incident ? They would be wide eyed hiding behind him.

  11. I guarantee that none of the other Steelers gave him an ounce of BS either.
    He knows what it's like to risk your life for something greater than yourself.
    The rest of 'em?
    The only thing they risk is getting caught. For drugs. For beating up women. For stealing.
    At least, the Steelers have ONE man.
    Rothlisberger was hiding behind someone's skirt.

  12. Steelers minus this one are traitors to this country if you can't honor this country than leave. Anyone that is living here, is an American can't respect the flag and our men and women who died for it is our enemy.

  13. Why do you clowns continue to act as if practicing 1st amendmemt rights is somehow anti-american? Our troops and police do not put their lives at risk so the flag gestapo at home can force people to stand for the anthem. And i wont even mention that you are the same crowd that was just up in arms about the removal of statues honoring those that took up arms against the US flag. Lol

    1. Many acts are covered under the 1st Amendment. Such as burning the flag. Which absolutely is anti-American. The two terms are not mutually inclusive.

  14. 12:14 - You really are a DA. We have no problem with practicing 1st amendment rights. But these losers are on company and NFL time so lets get our priorities straight. The NFL does not let Brandon Marshall wear green cleats for mental health awareness. Or Dallas to wear ribbons for the officers killed in action last year. They control every aspect of the game and should control this as well. If these a$$hats want to express their concerns do like the rest of us....on their own time. Now you should crawl back into your hole and stop acting like you know what you are talking about. What a loser!!

  15. A true American hero in more ways than one

  16. 12:14 So tell me exactly why our troops and the police DO put their lives at risk then? We are waiting???

  17. The problem with the NFL is that they have now become political. Look at all the things they WON'T allow - but kneeling is okay. This is not a race thing, it is a respect thing. There is a time and place to appropriately protest. A game is not the time - it is a GAME - not political commentary. All those protesting have other platforms they could use. They are just grandstanding for the publicity. God Bless this former Ranger and now respected NFL player!

  18. 11:08 is Right , for now , they Deny Everything Trump and
    America stands for ....
    These Morons had better get some Religion before the last days get here !!! Will they Kneel, Then too ????

  19. Like to see his jersey sales go through the roof. I will violate my oath of boycott and buy his Jersey. Like to see all NFL fans only buy his Jersey this year.

  20. He needs to TEACH the team some Patriatism / Morals / Ethics / Respect since they Have None ....

  21. 1132, where did you hear he took flack from the coach?

    1. Tomlin said something like "I was looking for 100% participation in protesting the anthem and i guess that didn't happen"

  22. 1229 so according to your logic, if the owners have the right to block them from protesting. OK. In case you haven't seen the statements coming from the NFL owners, spend 30 seconds on google today. They have come out in support of allowing the players to speak their mind. So according to your own logic, you should no longer have a problem with the players kneeling. Correct?

  23. While in military recruits are trained/taught to act as one whatever the unit size generally. Everyone did the same thing at the same time or you didn't do it at all. With that in mind, I can understand the coaches frustration as the team didn't act as one.

    However, I have read they had a vote beforehand to decide what to do regarding the anthem. The vote was not unanimous (as we can see why now) so it was decided to stay in the locker room or tunnel or whatever, and do nothing. Which actually THAT was something.

    This player followed his training and his heart, dedication, pride, love, all of that.

    And in doing so I think he made the rest of them look bad. Which they had already done by staying hidden from view. Standing for the flag/anthem is a no-brainer for any American citizen, and I have even seen people who are NOT American citizens, in other countries even, singing the anthem and standing.

    They act more like citizens than these players and some other "citizens".

    Players are EMPLOYEE'S of the league and whichever team they join. They are required to do their JOB just as any other employee in whichever field they are employed in.

    If they fail to do the agreed-upon tasks they can be reprimanded. Fines, suspension, up to and including termination are some of the punishments, just like for the rest of us.

    This kneeling crap is actually taking away and casting a shadow on the very things they say they are protesting. It has turned into a circus and a bad one.

    They are hurting the very ones they say they are trying to help.

    Cut the BS, do your jobs, show respect for YOUR country, the ones who pay your too high salaries, and every man woman and child who died in wars protecting your rights and the very one that allows you to protest in the first place.

    All of those who kneel, who allow them to kneel and support such disrespect are totally disgusting to me and I want no part of them or their sport.

    Maybe they don't realize it yet but MILLIONS feel the same way as I. But they will realize it soon enough.

  24. He is the ONLY one who should still have a JOB !!

  25. He has just made a press conference stating it was all a mistake. He unintentionally threw his teammates under the bus. He meant to stand in the tunnel with them. He said everytime he sees that picture of him standing there alone he feels embarrassed.

  26. Bring back the draft in order for snow flakes to grow up.


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