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Monday, October 02, 2017

HS Football Players Booted For Protesting

A coach kicked a two Texan high school football players off of the team after the players protested during the national anthem Friday.

Senior Larry McCullough knelt and sophomore Cedric Ingram-Lewis put his fist up in the air during the national anthem before Victory & Praise Christian Academy’s football game, reported the Houston Chronicle. Ronnie Mitchem, the team’s coach and pastor, kicked them off the team directly afterwards.

“I don’t have any problem with those young men,” Mitchem told the Chronicle. “We’ve had a good relationship. They chose to do that and they had to pay for the consequences.”

Mitchem, a former Marine, had previously told the school’s players that he did not want them to kneel during the anthem, believing that the action offends veterans and distracts rather than calls attention to issues. The coach said he wanted the players to express their discontent by authoring and distributing a paper about political issues that troubled them, or by kneeling in the end zone after a touchdown.



  1. Awesome! There is a word used in this article that people have forgotten or just don't understand "consequences". Great job Coach...

  2. More coaches should follow

  3. They had their chance (maybe in life) and failed. Don't follow directions - see you later mate!

  4. Great job by the Coach but we will see an article in the near future where they were fired and lawsuits filed against him.

  5. So much for your college football careers, boys!

  6. AS he rightly points out: The flag is a military symbol.

    It has nothing to do with the American People.

  7. No one mentioned this was a Christian school. That is why because they have high moral standards and don't put up with any B.S. You follow the rules and adhere to the standards the school puts forth or you get out. My daughter went 13 years to a Christian School then graduated from a Christians college. They had very high standards both academically and personal.


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