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Monday, October 02, 2017

As North Korea threatens electromagnetic pulse attack, questions over lapses in US grid security rise

For more than 15 years, security and intelligence officials — including former CIA Director James Woolsey — have been raising the alarm bells about the vulnerability of the U.S. power grid to an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) attack. Only now as tensions with North Korea quickly escalate — with the rogue nation refusing to back down from its nuclear testing and threats of such an onslaught — is the matter really generating attention.

But according to U.S. defense and security officials, while there are players purporting to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure given millions of American lives on the line, the reality is that no one really knows what will happen and what can be done.

“We recognize that an EMP event would have extremely dire consequences for the entire country, but where the challenge comes is in attempting to quantify those impacts,” one high-ranking Department of Homeland Security official, who requested anonymity, told Fox News. “This is not something we have had a lot of real world experience with.”



  1. This subject has been addressed repeatedly on SBYNEWS over the past few years. It is a shame no one with the power to protect the US from this threat has done anything significant.

    It would be good to study life in the 1800's, because that's how things will be if an attack happens.

  2. Maybe it will finally stop the spread of fake MSM news

  3. MUST take OUT NK and Iran ....Period !!! Has to be Done
    While we are at it ....Syria too, and whoever else needed !!

  4. Dont forget Venezuela.

  5. Quantify this-

    No electricity or functioning electronics (take a moment to picture the magnitude of that).
    No water pumped anywhere by electricity. No refrigeration. No cars trucks, no planes, no boats. Nothing moves. Guns come out.
    Three days without water, food, and electricity - you will kill your neighbor for his.
    THAT is what an EMP will START. It goes downhill fast.
    Note to cross-dressing sissies afraid of loud noises and mean words---- there ain't gonna be no "safe space". Wipe that make-up off and take that stud out of your eyebrow. Try to blend in...lol....okay, I made that up. You'll NEVER be "blending in"....
    And no, unlike what the Puerto Rican's think, the government ain't coming to make everything better because they deserve it.

  6. Gee whiz, electromagnetic pulse attack, could work both ways. Wonder how they would survive one ?


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