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Friday, October 13, 2017

Dildo-Waving Feminists SILENCED By Classmate’s Argument That Guns Defend Against Rape

It’s ironic that feminists rail against rape (and rightfully so, even if they do fudge the statistics a little bit) while simultaneously decrying the ownership of guns. What they fail to realize is a lot of rape survivors have armed themselves in case they are victimized again, or their rapist returns.

But progressives want to make it difficult for women like that (and women like myself who want to prevent anything like that from ever happening) to acquire a firearm, and mock those of us who have them by chanting ridiculous slogans like “c*cks not glocks” and waving around sex toys.

When a group of campus feminists decided to rally against firearms, a student decided to school them on exactly why someone might own a gun, and they had no response as a result.

It turns out that the guns they hate are a solution to the problem of women being sexually victimized. Of course, this is something they don’t want to acknowledge, because they don’t have any interest in coming up with solutions to the problems they complain about. No, whining and writing up catchy chants are much more interesting.

After being told that a woman had a friend who was raped and wasn’t allowed to defend herself because she could not carry to weapon on campus, the mindless warts ignored her and began to wave their sex toys around saying “this is what democracy looks like.”



  1. Rhyming chants don't always get the right message across.

  2. I don't get what it is they're trying to say when waving plastic penises around. I'm pretty sure, though, that I don't really care.


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