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Sunday, October 29, 2017

Breaking News: Salisbury Police Chief Barbara Duncan's Home Up For Sale

Just Listed, $550,000.00


  1. When is the open house?

  2. Byeeeeeeeeeee

    Worst pizza chef EVER.

    1. Her property value is dropping due to Crime

  3. Pretty swank digs for a supposed public servant.

    1. Retired from Mt Vernon NY base pay 250k a year. Now Vested in law enforcement retirement in Maryland . She can leave at any time with another fat pension. The cops that do it right lay low cry poor man and have a truck load in the bank.

  4. Does anyone in Salisbury have that kind of money. Where is she going. We can't sell our house in rowens for 345,000 and it is a lot nicer. Good luck.

    1. Maybe you should have been smarter than buying in an over priced field by the bypass with pretty grass and walking trails lining Reniers pockets

    2. Rowens is a crap neighborhood. Who buys a house next to the bypass? Like the saying goes.."a fool and his money are destined to part ways."

    3. I don't appreciate being called a fool. Actually I have 2 homes. I bet you live in a trailer park and collect food stamps. That's why I want out - because of nasty people like you. I bet you where borne and raised in the house you'll probably die in.

    4. Where do you live. Are you one of many in Salisbury who uses our swimming pool for nothing. Little jealous maybe.

    5. Rowens mill is a beautiful neighborhood. How many of you can afford to buy there - my guess is none so you put it down. A lot of expensive homes where passed on from generation to generation and each time the latest generation didn't have to work for it so they feel special. Way too many in Salisbury.

    6. You can blame the Mr Obama for the economy. I moved here from across the bridge because you appeared to be a small caring town. Boy was I wrong. I bet you couldn't afford the beautiful grass, heated swimming pool or trails. Snow removed from sidewalks and porches and road. Landscaping without lifting a finger. Is that why you wouldn't live here. Now who is the fool

  5. Looks like ridge road wicomico river front property to me

  6. My work here is done. Now I'm off to create another liberal paradise...wherever there are crime statistics to cover up, police officers to alienate, and criminals who need the freedom to run amok over the lives and property of innocent citizens, that's where you'll find me.

  7. For and economically depressed area, with few if any really good paying jobs, good luck on selling this house for that price. If she keeps this price, I predict it will still be for sale a year from now. I knew a college professor who had a home on Camden Avenue in Salisbury that was for sale for over a year. He had to end up cutting the price in half to finally find a buyer and took a loss on it.

  8. She's trying to get out of here while she can still afford to pay taxes on it. Jake doesn't discriminate on who he screws over

  9. Doesn't like the neighborhood, too much crime.

    1. Mic drop
      Maybe she will move into riversedge art housing ?

  10. Hope her exit is not from just the home but get out of Salisbury would be music to our ears, she has added to the crime.

  11. Beautiful riverfront home.

  12. Moving closer to pizza

  13. Nice house and property.

  14. Wow...living large for a city employee.

  15. It sure pays to be a corrupt cop!

  16. 10:09 AM yea I saw that, I trolled his FB page too. He was a pompass jerk. Huge ego. I laughed at the price.

  17. Maybe it's time to eliminate the Police Chief's and the Fire Chief's positions and create a Department of Public Safety where their is a DPS Director overseeing both departments.

  18. Nice house, but not THAT nice.

  19. How does she AFFORD that on her salary ?? Internal Affairs
    Hint Hint ???

    1. Lol Spd internal affairs is her crony!

    2. You do realize her husband and her have substantial retirements from New York? Her retirement is probably more than her current salary

  20. Anonymous said...
    10:09 AM yea I saw that, I trolled his FB page too. He was a pompass jerk. Huge ego. I laughed at the price.

    October 26, 2017 at 11:32 AM


  21. Anonymous said...
    Maybe it's time to eliminate the Police Chief's and the Fire Chief's positions and create a Department of Public Safety where their is a DPS Director overseeing both departments.

    October 26, 2017 at 12:06 PM

    Either that or have the Police Chief and the Fire Chief elected by the voters in Salisbury. With that said that means that the police chief and the fire chief would have to live in Salisbury.

    I guess Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Darrin Scott, Bryan Records, Chris O'Barsky, Mike Donaway, Jimmy Gladwell, Jay Jester and Rob Frampton would be Shit Out Of Luck as they say!

    1. Bootsy Gladwell. That name just keeps popping up. Like a turd that just swirls around the bowl and won’t go down.

  22. I'm a teacher going into debt and a police officer is living in a half million dollar house. Not to mention SU leader has multiple houses while college costs are through the roof. Bet their all Democrats.

    1. Then switch professions. If you’re not happy with your lot in life, change it. Every, and I do mean “every”, police department in the region is hiring qualified individuals. With your college degree, you should fly right through the application process. That is, if you could pass the polygraph exam and the drug history portion. You know, the pesky little part about smoking weed or using prescriptions that weren’t prescribed for you. Many of these “liberal” teachers “experimented” with drugs in college, much like their experimentation with sexuality but I digress, and have disqualified themselves from becoming a law enforcement officer. We won’t even discuss the polygraph part where you will have to answerAND BE TRUTHFUL as to whether you have ever had sex with farm animals or domestic pets (yes, these questions ARE included). Between those two issues, you may get disqualified. However, if you make it through, I’m sure you will enjoy shift work, standing in the rain and snow for hours investigating a motor vehicle collision, notifying parents that their child has been killed, arresting people that you grew up with for violating the law, being sneered at and approached every time you are out in public by someone who wants to complain about every perceived problem in their community and the list goes on. I respectfully request that you just keep teaching. Your snowflake azz will melt in 2 seconds in the real world.

    2. Teacher! Really? Please don’t teach my children. You will only screw up their grammar to match yours. Your sentence said “Bet their all Democrats”. You DO know that the word is “they’re”. “They’re” is a contraction for “they are”. Ah never mind. My tax dollars are paying for a teacher who can’t even use grammar properly. Makes me ask myself every day...why am I in this hand basket and where am I going? Please don’t give the played out and tired excuse of “auto correct”. Have pride in your work and proof read your submission before hitting “publish”. If you hold your students accountable for proof reading and spell checking, you have no excuse for making these errors. Regardless, when you identify yourself as a teacher, you should hold yourself to a higher standard and take pride in the message you are putting out to the public knowing it will be viewed and judged through a microscope. Instead of complaining about what you “don’t earn” and what others “do earn” you should spend more time on your grammar skills.

    3. A teacher complaining about pay????? You work 7 1/2 months out of the year when you include summer vacation, spring break, winter break, professional days, snow days, fog delays, holidays and any other random days I’m not even aware of that you get off. I’d gladly take making 40k a year to work 2/3 of the year. Go get another job in the summer and boost ur yearly income another 10k.

  23. She has one of those magic homes. One of a very few that increased in value, while everyone else is taking a major hit.

    for half a million I would expect the kitchen cabinets not to look like someone has been chewing on it.

  24. 7:13, You need to join Jack Heath and seriously help him with his resume and website.

    1. Hahahahaha. Some people are BEYOND help!! You can’t polish a turd, it just smears.

  25. @ 7:13 Why do you give a crap about grammar on an informal blog which seems to be more important to you than the point the person was trying to make ? Or is that the idea find a misused word to attack because you don't have an intelligent counter point to make so you try and make yourself seem above it because of your super hero grammar skills...LOL

    1. Um, because they said they are a “teacher” and complaining about their pay. If they don’t like it, change. But at least use proper grammar if you identify yourself as a teacher. My tax dollars pay that salary they are complaining about. Obviously, I’m not getting my money’s worth.

  26. Selling a house location location. Living near the by pass is not bad. You only hear the rednecks with loud mufflers which seems popular here. Their are some really good people in Salisbury but not enough. I expected a good place to retire but there is nothing here for us. Okay if you have family. My suggestion is get rid of the prison down the road. Prisoners bring their families to this area while in jail. Once the prisoner does time they stay. Families already established in Salisbury on welfare. Why move.

  27. Rowens mill is a little community with houses stacked up on each other and low end condo row in the back. The houses are kind of cookie cutter but nice however there are much better area's in that price range with bigger yards and houses spread out.

  28. Who knew making pizza for and with thugs could be so profitable.

  29. Call Comey or his Homey to investigate how she affords this !!! LOL (Mueller)

  30. 11:47 - Your good suggestion to get rid of the prison fell on confused ears. I understand they recently closed Poplar Hill Per-Release. What's up with that Joe?

  31. Check the SDAT MD to see what the appraisal (taxes) are. Need street address only.


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