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Tuesday, October 10, 2017

Baltimore psychologist heads effort to 'warn' about Trump's mental health

Put psychologist John Gartner on a couch and ask him about his childhood and one of the first stories he will recall is about his mom, Diana, and a touchstone moment in the fight for women’s rights.

In 1969, Diana Gartner and other leaders of the relatively new National Organization for Women made a reservation at the Oak Room Bar in New York under the name "Dr. Gartner." The showdown that followed when the women arrived during the establishment’s male-only hours would lead to an early victory for feminism: The storied bar ultimately changed its gender policy.

John Gartner was 10 years old when the incident made headlines.

"It does run in our family to be mavericks,” he said. “Or rebels with a cause."

More here


  1. Sounds like Gartner is the one with psychosis since both statements he pointed to have been proven to be either true or marginally true.

  2. They can't seem to get him on anything else, so lets impeach him through so called "expert" witnesses to get him out of office on the grounds of mental illness! Remember anyone who voted for Trump must be either White, a racist, or mentally ill!

  3. While we're at it - let's talk about Hilliary, Nancy, Chuck, and DiFi!

  4. Couldn't stop laughing to read. Keep up the great work Mr. President!!

  5. Hope this "expert" is exposed as a quack soon.

  6. There's nothing wrong with Trump's mental health. I understand him perfectly. Liberalism is a problem with mental health

  7. How's he feel about Hillary, or is that forbidden fruit?

  8. totally laughable!!!

  9. I wonder if this is how they did GLOBAL WARMING.. Pay for play.

  10. DEA should federally suspended the license to practice medicine until a hearing is conducted. How can you give medical diagnoses when you did not examine, test or have ANY medical background on the subject? Based on this I should be able to send a YouTube video in to my dr and get medicine for my problem. Save copay and the HARRASMENT OF STAFF.

  11. Anyone who really looks and listens to Donald J Trump and thinks to call him crazy is just plain crazy and needs an immediate mental evaluation because they are truly deficient in understanding humans in general. Best to stand this guy down and send him off to the funny farm.

  12. It sounds like Mr. Gartner is the one with the mental illness. You don.t become a business tycoon and a millionaire with mental illness. Just another liberal trying to get rid of Trump because he won the election and is actually doing what he said he would do if elected. The libs just can;t admit defeat. They think they know better than everybody else and it is either their way or no way at all.

  13. Man, you democrats are going off the deep end. Anything to make Trump look bad. You go from one thing to another. This is a clear indication there is something wrong with you people.


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