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Sunday, October 29, 2017

A Viewer Writes: Medical Marijuana opening on Snow Hill Rd.

Joe- Here's a good question for WBOC, SPD, States Attorney Office

I find it strange that WBOC covered the other night a good story on the Opioid Epidemic in Salisbury. But on the heals of that story we are facing what is going to be a catastrophic event in Salisbury the opening of a Medical(?) Marijuana Outlet on Snow Hill Rd next to Dr McGee's Animal Hospital! Why does not WBOC, the Salisbury Police and the States Attorney Office see this as a disaster in one of the most drug infested neighborhoods in all of Salisbury. They are openly talking about having their prescriptions ready and how much easier it is going to be for them to get high!! If you look at the crime maps furnished by the SPD this is the hottest area for crime and drugs in all of Salisbury! Where is the logic is it a way of making the whole city under slum lord control, or that the city will be forced to be torn down, one block at a time for people like Fake Jake to build what? There is a plan rather anyone believes it or not to eradicate this city for some scheme, those on the City Council and Jake know what it is, he has often mentioned making along the river more like the Inner Harbor in Baltimore is that it? Higher real estate values, more $ in their pockets and tons of selfies for those that change the look of the city.

My question is what is to become of the citizens in this area who own their homes and cannot get half of what they paid for it. We can do nothing but see the crime get worse every month, their is no safety in your own homes, our streets and our yards. You have tried to make us all tear down such things as the chain link fences and other fences that is all of what's left to protect us. I just ask that for once you have a real meeting to put us first for a change, see us as families and people who have worked hard all our life just to live in peace and live out our days. May you reconsider the choices you are making and where you are making them, come out and meet us the people you have forgotten.


  1. no doubt, the legalization of medical mary jane is the down fall of your fair city. end times i tell ya.

  2. I think you are terrified of something you don't know much about, IMO.

    You make it sound like anyone can get a script for med. pot out of a box of cereal. First, they have to find a doctor around here who believes in med. pot, which will probably be not that many. Especially pain docs. That will hurt their bottom line I think.

    With all the research proving pot has medical benefits, why are some still so against it? Still brainwashed from the pot hysteria from the govt? Still, think it is a gateway drug? Just what is it exactly?

    If it works, it works. What is so terrifying about that?

  3. This was not a question just an uneducated rant about pot. The new medical facility will not impact crime. How many people smoke pot and want to go rob someone or act aggressive? The bigger issue is the opioids period. I hope the new facility offers people hope from traditional meds.

    1. What about alcohol? The number of deaths are much higher but never talked about, why? 90 percent of people leaving happy hour would fail sobriety test on ANY given day in Salisbury! Why isn't It a EPIDEMIC or a PUBLIC HEALTH hazard? Fact is dr are not writing pain pills and haven't been.. It's all coming from China and Mexico taking advantage of huge gaps in the wall. 39 billion dollar budget to combat opioids none of the money going to the wall.

  4. 70 percent of people in the area from 18 to 70 smoke pot. If your a person who doesn't smoke pot then the people around you are lying because they do. Might not be on a regular but they sneak a high. Probably higher percentage... IF the company is operated correctly it will be one of most successful in town.. Marijuana is no longer illegal with a persciption... 66k heroin overdose 100k alcohol deaths...prmc will NOT write pot for pain because they can't BILL your insurance company yet. Instead a dr will tell you to take otc pills for fractures, disc herniated tears, crushed bones etc. total fear of Governor. YOU ALL WANTED IT..

  5. You do understand medical marijuana decreases the use of other drugs and prescription pill abuse... Oh yeah teen use also falls and so does violent crime... You forgot those parts

  6. I have been taking CBD oil off and on for a while and have taken up smoking pot to give it a boost. I will try just about anything to get some relief and get away from these damn pain pills, that doesn't work enough, and away from these doctors and their ah staff of SS nurses who think everyone that walks through their doors is a drug seeker.

    Granted, there are many who are but if they can't tell the difference between an obvious patient in pain, with the surgeries, MRI's and x-rays to back it up, maybe they are in the wrong profession or have the wrong attitude or both.

    Professionalism in this area is almost non-existent. And I am happy to see other people have started to notice that as well. Their prejudices and personal opinions have no business in a doctor-patient relationship. And certainly not calling other patients a PITA in front of other patients especially.

    It wasn't about me but I knew the guy and told this "nurse" (Cratchit) I knew what PITA meant. Her response? "I don't care". Yes, I could see that.

    Small wonder a lot of patients go over to western Md. for their medical needs.

  7. Prohibition is what leads to criminal gang violence. Legalization removes the rewards/incentives that make criminal gang violence "worthwhile" to the criminals. Al Capone's machine guns haven't been used to protect illegal liquor business since alcohol prohibition ended. Why are we even still debating this? This is a step in the right direction. Eliminate the criminal factor from cannabis and other drugs, and then we can begin addressing their risks intelligently, as medical issues, not moral or criminal issues.

  8. There is always be doctors who for several hundred dollars will prescribe. That's how this works. Might not be many locals doctors but there will be no short supply of them that's a given. Just like the psychiatrists in NYC who for $600 cash will say you need a service dog...... word gets around who the doctors are.
    Then they will be lined up out the door to get their "prescription." In the meantime the dealers aren't far away undercutting the prices of the dispensary. With that comes more crime and blight.
    Then you will have the imbeciles who say look at all the money for the state. Low information at it's finest. This whole thing has created more government bureaucracy so that is where just about all the money goes. Hardly any if any at all goes toward benefits for tax payers.

  9. 9:38 because there are already marijuana derivatives that don't get you high. They have the exact same effects without someone walking around stoned. You people are so low information. You really really should education yourselves.

  10. Don't lose any sleep over this. It will fail as almost all do. One of the main reasons is because of Mexico and S. America. Anymore their economies depend heavily on the illegal drug trade including marijuana. And so the the US's inner cities. The cartels and the dealers come in and flood the market which lowers prices and the dispensaries can't compete. It's a no win business. Look to other states for proof.

  11. Idiots. A bunch of stoners can only IMPROVE that neighborhood.

  12. If all these people are already smoking and can get it why do these dispensaries think they are going to even come anywhere near succeeding? I saw in New York less then 15000 people state wide even bothered getting prescriptions. It's ridiculous to think people are going to be bothered going to a doctor getting a prescription and then buying it from some government regulated entity. They are going to continue to buy it (for considerably less money) from a dealer.
    Also in Colorado to date over 50% of the stores have failed. This because it's too high priced due to government involvement. Permits, fees, taxes, etc. Of the ones who are making it many only have a few years left to write off loses and will soon be declared hobby businesses as per IRS law.

  13. Late night bars better stock up on Doritos and Cheetos!!!!! Last call is 1:30am and my munchies begin at midnight!

    (sarcasm OFF)

  14. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    9:38 because there are already marijuana derivatives that don't get you high. They have the exact same effects without someone walking around stoned. You people are so low information. You really really should education yourselves.

    October 28, 2017 at 12:33 PM

    I don't really know what you're trying to say and I don't think you do either. THC gets people high while CBD does not. The levels of each one in a substance determine what the effect will be.

    Then there is hemp. But why am I explaining all this to you? You already know everything.

  15. 9:42 AM what a bunch of BS. Prove your stats on the 70%

  16. I'm not worried about the actual use of medical or recreational marijuana. i'm worried about he dr's and the dispernsary and the clients safety. They are putting their lives at risk by being located in thug city salisbury. They will be robbed and who knows what else in no time. I wouldn't get a rx just because I wouldn't want to have to pick it up in da bury. I hope they will be hiring armed guards to watch the doors and walk clients to their cars.

  17. Marijuana scares the heck out of people who know nothing about it.

  18. What a putz. Alcohol does SO much more damage to society and fools like this are drinking the spiked punch.

  19. 1:46 You are correct I do know everything. I have forgotten more then you could ever hope to know. I am well versed in THC and CBD and hemp. Again you can best believe I have forgotten more about this too then you will ever ever know. So what is your point?
    FYI-medical grade pot contains both. Medical conditions are treated with one the other or sometimes both. In other words people walk around stoned and the very real side effect and one of the main reasons why people don't use it is because of this and the sleepiness associated with using it.
    Like said above it this and almost all the others in the state will fail within a year or 2.

  20. a lot of doom and despair forecast for just pot

  21. October 28, 2017 at 6:19 PM

    I have been studying it as well so I guess we are both know-it-alls and my memory is bad also as I too have forgotten more than you will ever know. But just like you and everyone else, we have a computer and can relearn everything in a matter of minutes. I'm not impressed.

  22. If you listen to the medical experts that all state one clear thing and that is in the hands of someone with addictive habits already marijuana can be the gate way to drugs such as heroine, crack, meth and prescription drugs. The medical experts have proof of the chain of drug use how the drug addict gets deeper and deeper into mind altering drugs when one no longer gives them the high or numbness they are looking for. Arrest records show that someone smoking marijuana and driving for example cannot pass sobriety tests, they see it first hand every day. I know neighbors who talk about the buzz they get and they can't remember what they did hours ago and that anger takes over sometimes and they can't control their actions. Why couldn't this operation have been put in a less crime infested area, watch and you will see the high crime get even higher. Not kidding I know this area some of you don't.


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