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Monday, September 04, 2017

Trump to scrap protection for 'Dreamers,' give Congress six months to fix

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Donald Trump has decided to scrap a program shielding from deportation immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children but will give Congress six months to craft legislation to replace it, sources familiar with the situation said.

The president decided to delay enforcement of his decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, the two sources said on Sunday. One source cautioned that the president could change his mind.

The decision to give Congress half a year to come up with a an alternative, first reported by Politico, represents a compromise of sorts after top Republicans and business leaders asked Trump to keep the program.

DACA, an Obama administration policy, protects nearly 800,000 young men and women often called “Dreamers” from deportation and allows them to work legally.



  1. If dreamers have no criminal record, let them earn citizenship by working in the country of their parents birth. It is not fair to the children in this country to have to take a back seat to them. Seems they get all the help that a lot of American born children could use to become "dreamers". Then Apple could hire Americans.

  2. The president gave the legislators an ultimatum - bipartisan bill that he signs - or it goes away in 6 months - genius!

    Just like the sequester - which the house and senate own - this one is squarely in their lap!

  3. Perfect! Let Congress do the job we are paying them to do! Of course, the reality is 6 months from now Congress will be no closer to a legislative solution, so they can all go home! Contrary to the way the media likes to present them. Most of these "kids" were brought to the US as teenagers and have NOT assimilated.


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