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Monday, September 04, 2017

Report: Trump, Chafing Under Kelly's Control, Continues to Call Close Friends and Advisers

President Trump is chafing under Chief of Staff John Kelly’s control and is finding ways around it, according to a report.

Kelly has tried to control who the president talks to, but Trump is continuing to call business friends and outside advisers, including former chief strategist Steve Bannon, the report by the Washington Post said.

Trump calls Bannon and others from his personal phone when Kelly is not around, the report said.

“Donald Trump resists being handled,” Roger Stone, former Trump adviser and longtime confidant, told the Post.

“Nobody tells him who to see, who to listen to, what to read, what he can say,” he said. “General Kelly is trying to treat the president like a mushroom. Keeping him in the dark and feeding him s— is not going to work. Donald Trump is a free spirit.”



  1. They don't call him "The Donald" for nothing.
    Proud of our president...Donald J. Trump.

  2. If it comes from the Washington Post, I'll reserve my belief in what it says.

  3. Right now Washington Post and New York Times is in competition with who can give the most outrageous stories. Mostly lies but anything to tarnish President Trump. I do not take anything they say as truth.

  4. WaPost and NY Times are outposts of the CIA and have been for a long time.
    Consider the implications of that truth.


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