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Thursday, September 07, 2017

Speech Given To OC Council & Mayor Regarding Nathan's Building



  1. Well written plea, but I believe, this will be a lather/rinse/repeat stance by City FAIL. Mindset is already decided, plans are already in place, even if EVERY owner of every property in OC said no to this - City FAIL will still move forth with their agenda.

    Prove me wrong City FAIL - I highly doubt it!

  2. Leave the building - remove and replace Meehan.

  3. Leave the building and all status quo. Any changes will NOT be met with local approval. I am a local and anything that takes its place (if removed) will be shunned. I want nothing to do with anything that changes in that location. Of course a hurricane will probably take care of all of that if it changes anyway.

  4. The "Boss Hogs " of OC will bully everyone they can. Nothing will be done about Trimper's property since they own the south end of the boardwalk and has a lot of power in OC politics. They have more dirt on these OC "Boss Hogs" / bullies than the FBI and CIA combined. Just like nothing will be done to upset the Harrisons by the OC "Boss Hogs" / bullies.


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