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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Question Of The Day 9-4-17

If you could go back in time and change one event that would alter the course of history what event would you changed and why.


  1. That Hitler and Stalin were never born and that no one took their place in history.

  2. On November 3rd 1968 I would of ordered french toast and sausage instead of bacon and eggs. Other than that I would not change a thing. Get it

  3. Letting democrats get away with calling republicans the party of the kkk. They should all have it branded on their foreheads.

  4. Whip North Korea in the 50's and we would not be having this problem with them now.

  5. I would go back and make Mark Zuckerberg have an I.Q. of about 60.

    Facebook is the most evil thing that ever to scourge the earth

  6. the day obama was elected. why because he caused damage to more Americans then anyone else ever in the history of this county. Every single one of his policies negatively affected more then did good. he is an evil man who will pay with an eternity burning in hell for his wicked ways. those who support him will join him in hell too. God hates their ugly hearts and will punish them.

  7. The death of Pres. Lincoln, he was going to send all the freed blacks back to Africa, Liberia, and Panama, just think how wonderful our country would be today if he was able to have done that!

  8. The democrat party never allowed in politics .

  9. Obama's mom gets the pill!

    Although without him, the HildaBeast may well have been elected in '08!

  10. I wouldn't alter anything. The butterfly effect is too dangerous to mess with. If I could go back as a spectator only, I would go to a major Queen concert, slip in and see an ABBA show at their prime, A Stone show in the early 70's. Watch Superbowl 1 live. So many things to see and never enough time.

  11. Eve in the Garden of Eden says "get away from me you evil snake" and refuses to bite the apple. We would be living in paradise now. Then Adam grabs a shovel and kills the snake.

    1. Have the assemblers of the Old Testament make it clear to the shallow minded that many story's were parables with an underlying message and not factual per se.

    2. Shallow minded are we now while you embark on Gullible's travels.

  12. I would have the police waiting for John Wilkes Booth when he entered the Ford Theater.

  13. It wouldn't alter the course of history, but I regret divorcing my 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th wives. The 6th is no different so due to being broke, she is a keeper.

  14. Should not have stopped Schwartzkoft from going into Bagdad

  15. The election of Barack Hussein Obama because he set out to destroy the United States and he dar
    n near succeeded!

  16. Stop Eve from eating of the tree in the middle of the garden......

  17. Adam and Eve fixes all the other ones, kind of a no brainer

  18. 4:09

    How do you know that?

    Are you really sure?

  19. I would change the fact that Obama ever got elected, much less twice, and tried to ruin this wonderful country!

  20. Stop Geo.W.Bush from invading Iraq. We were in Afganistan and that was necessary and we had Iraq surrounded and Sadam had the radical muslims under control and he was kept in check be Iran. I hate to say it but all that trouble going on now started with Bush's invasion of Iraq.

  21. I would reset the 1960s without the Beatles and Vietnam.

  22. Have the Confederate ARMY Win The Civil War!

  23. The invention of the atomic... and, hence the hydrogen bomb.

  24. Sterilize the mother of the Mohammad guy before he was spawned so we wouldn't have to hear about the Devils Book of evil often referred to as the Koran.

  25. I would love to know where race relations in the US would be today if MLK Jr. was not assassinated.

  26. MLK's fate was sealed by the mission he was on. If he wasn't killed by the left, or right, he would have been killed by a member of his own race. There were endless factions that did not want him to succeed. He was on a suicide mission, and I think he knew that.

  27. I would have only had one child and would have moved as far away from here as possible. 3:49...she feels exactly like you but would go back and NEVER have married you.

  28. I would convince someone...ANYONE... to run against Jake Day.


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