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Sunday, September 10, 2017

Oh "Brother"

Salisbury Fire Department, Inc Sta 16

23 hours ago our family was rocked by an unfortunate accident while 3 members were working on a service project. We want to thank God for the brother from Annapolis Fire Department that was placed there at the right time to assist our injured brother. We thank our fellow brothers who responded to this call and performed their duties with precision. We thank the MSP Trooper 4 crew who quickly arrived and transported our injured brother to the best hospital in the State for his injuries. When we reviewed the times from on scene to in the air, it may have felt like forever but in reality it was as fast as a transport to PRMC. We thank the leaders of the Department, City, Sheriff's, SPD, and Board of Ed for your support and strength.

As of about 12 hours ago our brother has come out of his surgery doing well and with positive results from the great team of surgeons at Shock Trauma. He still has a long road to follow home, but he will travel it with his loving family by his side. We are supporting the family with any and all needs that they have at this time and in the future. Their one request is for privacy and prayers at this time. We will keep you updated with what the family wishes to be shared in the future. Just know that every little prayer carries large power of healing and comfort to them all.

As we move forward we will be supporting all those involved in this incident who were deeply impacted by this event physically and mentally. We have a Critical incident management team ready to assist any member who needs help. They were a great help yesterday as we released from the scene and could start the healing process. To all those involved we pray together for you, "May God's healing hands and loving heart, hold you and fill you with peace." For our injured brother and his family we pray, " Almighty God, Wonderful Counselor and Healer, may your grace and presence be known in the coming days. May You be with the doctors and nurses caring for him and that he will see You in their eyes, Amen."


  1. This is how "brotherhood" responds on Facebook.

    Tim Jerscheid said... Fuck them Jimmie Gladwell there all pieces of shit who wish they could be like us. You are one hell of a brother first and fireman second.
    Like · Reply · 4 hrs

    David See said... Getting yourself all worked up over nothing Chief, you did nothing wrong.

    Real "brothers" would be quiet, professional, and by the families side. Not these idiots.

    Face it, the "brotherhood left the fire service many years ago. Today, it's all about what's in it for them.

    Makes me sick,

  2. Brotherhood, you gotta be kidding. The circus of leaders are in full damage control, and care less about each other, only their own butts. Today's Fire Service is about how much money they make, and how much they sleep.

  3. Probie's going to have a nice house in the golf course community !!

  4. "our family, our brother" Why is this only used when there is an accident, funeral, or out drinking? Ask yourself that ....

  5. Any real leadership would have issued a gag order in the respect of the family, and directed all efforts to their support. Not a bunch of sappy brotherhood BS that everyone knows is complete nonsense. First one on the road should have been Gladwell for his cover my ass crying.

  6. What a load of horse crap. Brotherhood only means they are sleeping with each others wives/girlfriends.

  7. From other news sources, its been reported that he was part of a crew installing those blue reflectors that SBY News has been so critical of.

  8. What you need to pray for is a low number on the settlement. This was a failure of leadership, an event that should not have happened, especially to a cadet.

  9. Jershield does not speak for the Salisbury Fire Department! He can't even speak for himself. I know for a fact, the only thing that the "brass" was worried about while this was going on, was just how bad it would look. Brotherhood, come on girls, we know how far that goes.

  10. A cadet? I pray your source is wrong. That would be even more horrific. Those young men and ladies are to be under competent supervision. Oh, competent, and supervision, guess that says it all. This is seriously the straw that breaks the back, this department needs a major intervention.

    1. Oh yes cadet. Full cover arse mode. This brotherhood bs is garbage, at least 45 mins before helicopter touched down in that development.

  11. Saiontz & Kirk gonna make bank on this case.

  12. It looks bad because it is bad, bad for the victim who shouldn't have been where he was under the direct supervision of an experienced member.

  13. Anonymous said...
    A cadet? I pray your source is wrong. That would be even more horrific. Those young men and ladies are to be under competent supervision. Oh, competent, and supervision, guess that says it all. This is seriously the straw that breaks the back, this department needs a major intervention.

    September 5, 2017 at 10:25 AM

    Yes he was a cadet and his mother would have been better off making him go to church that morning. I pray this kid has a successful outcome.

    Yes he was a cadet and the main one responsible for his safety was Jimmy Gladwell. Jimmy Gladwell was in charge of the Salisbury Fire Department on Sunday when this occurred. Jimmy Gladwell was the Assistant Chief in Charge and Jimmy Gladwell authorized that fire truck leaving the station to put those silly $2 reflectors on the roads which are ultimately pollution.

    Next in the chain of Command is Lee Smith, Darrin Scott, John Tull, then Rick Hoppes. Then Jake Day and the City Council is responsible for Rick Hoppes.

    This will be a nice pay day for the Hughes'!

  14. Here is something to think about. Everything that gets posted here about this incident is being read by attorney's. Who ever is going to be their attorney will be reading every word of this blog for information pertaining to this case/incident.

    I encourage you to keep posting to make this case easy for this young man and his family. They didn't deserve to be put through this. Rick Hoppes, John Tull, Jimmy Gladwell, et. al. need to step down while you can and leave with grace.

  15. Was this written by cry baby Cherry Cheeks Tri Townsend? He shouldn't have dropped out of middle school, his grammar is embarrassing. No wonder he is left to pimping coffee for a living.

  16. What happened to the "Brotherhood" with the Station 1 volunteers?? There is proof there that the brotherhood is a farce.

  17. Jon David Black, you are not a leader or a brother. Now you need to step down because you never were a leader and this guy gets hurt under your watch "Chief."

  18. Colonel Jessip shoulda ordered a CODE RED!

  19. Anonymous said...
    Colonel Jessip shoulda ordered a CODE RED!

    September 5, 2017 at 12:14 PM

    Who is Colonel Jessip?

  20. Jershield was running his mouth this morning "had to be a volly crew". He isn't anyone's brother

    1. Was wondering when the career vs vol would come up. Leave it to big head.

  21. This is just another covwr up and fiasco by the leadership of Salisbury.....NOTHING has changed with "The Big Boys of Metro" since Tilghman Administration....The HR department at the City is a Joke...One more covered up lawsuit

  22. The negligence of the FD brotherhood is unforgivable , brothers my a$$ , this is taking care of your brothers then I want nothing to do with any a$$hole fireman . You guys make me sick just thinking about your mental capacity .

  23. Most of the volunteer departments are just a social club for the good ole boys network.

    1. Then there is this guy again! You didn't see this happen at one of the good ole boy fire departments in the county. This happened at the almighty Salisbury Fire Department, God's gift to the fire service Salisbury Fire Department. So shut up about good ole boy social clubs, at least they serve their community, what do you do?

  24. The Parsonsburg volunteer fire dept is no social club I've had to call them 3 times, 2 for an ambulance and 1 for a fire and I can tell you they were quick and 100% professional they deserve every ounce of respect and support we can give them.

  25. Amazon my how everyone post anonymous. Not ONE reply on your Facebook page

  26. Anonymous said...
    Oh yes cadet. Full cover arse mode. This brotherhood bs is garbage, at least 45 mins before helicopter touched down in that development.

    September 5, 2017 at 1:39 PM

    Truth and he was only 3 minutes from a trauma capable hospital. Sue baby sue!

  27. So ...was the driver drug tested? I can't tell u how many incidents Bunky Adams was in. Never drug tested. How ever forced to retire early. Glad I pay for these loafing asses!

  28. Anonymous said...
    So ...was the driver drug tested? I can't tell u how many incidents Bunky Adams was in. Never drug tested. How ever forced to retire early. Glad I pay for these loafing asses!

    September 6, 2017 at 12:35 PM

    That was Pinky's Visor Boi! He would have never been hired if Pinky wasn't the fire chief. Pinky had a boner for him all the time.

    Do you have evidence he was forced to retire early? I heard that clown spent a lot of time in his truck during shift's popping pills. Wasn't he on some type of Prozac crap?

  29. Let's put it like this. Keep up the drug testing and keep your job....or retire early and have all the oxy and morphine u can handle. And keep using that new shop.com as your "live clean" cover up. U fool no one!

  30. Family NO snowflakes YES. My prayers to the young man may he recover fully.

  31. @8:36. They are only doing the job they are trained for. Just like everyone else who is trained to do the job they work at. Spraying water on a fire does not make someone a hero. And their damn ambulances are way over priced. $800.00 for a four block ride?


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